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LWPT Meditations - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C 2nd Kings 5:1-14 Galatians 6:7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 When Paul wrote to the Galatians, it was with a message of God’s grace (2:16,21; 3:14,18 etc). He was almost desperate that his readers should not be misled into keeping the laws
LWPT Meditations - Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A Genesis 6:9-22; 7:24; 8:14-19 Psalm 46 Romans 1:16-17; 3:22b-28 Matthew 7:21-29 It is difficult to imagine a catastrophe like the one related in the story of Noah – forty days of torrential rain, the earth flooded for over a year,
Churning waves unsettled Peter
Churning waves unsettled Peter
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Churning waves unsettled Peter Proper 14 year A Matthew 14: 22 - 33 Churning waves unsettled Peter, startled, he was sinking fast, he'd been walking on the water, seemed this moment could not last. Jesus reached a hand to save him, lifted him above the swell. Fainting faith
Help us trace your rainbow colours
Help us trace your rainbow colours
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Help us trace your rainbow colours Proper 19 Year A Romans 14: 1-12 Help us trace your rainbow colours through these days of change and choice, holding firmly to your promise: all the world can praise, rejoice. In a world of contradictions let your justice change our ways,
Hymn: Sometimes the Bible seems unreal
Hymn: Sometimes the Bible seems unreal
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes the Bible seems unreal, its people like a saintly race, they speak with such integrity as those immersed in Godly grace. And how can we, within our time, aspire to such a perfect goal of innocence and purity, when needing love to make us whole? Verses 3-4 follow Tune: B
Hymn: Upon this groaning, quaking earth
Hymn: Upon this groaning, quaking earth
by Andrew Pratt
Upon this groaning, quaking earth we find the evidence of grace, for here, our God, you nurtured love, brought faith and hope within this place. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ABENDS Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 5/5/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.c
Hymn: Our problem God: your enigmatic presence
Hymn: Our problem God: your enigmatic presence
by Andrew Pratt
Our problem God: your enigmatic presence, will challenge who we are and seek to be, you call us through the mists of exploration to follow paths that guide, yet set us free. We seek a deeper focus for our being, while feeling weakness when we should be strong. Great God within ou
Joseph wept, his brothers found him
Joseph wept, his brothers found him
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Joseph wept, his brothers found him Proper 15 year A Genesis 45: 1 – 15 Joseph wept, his brothers found him, found the one that they had sold, stunning grace would now confound them, family bonds would last and hold. Famine brought them to his table, desperation drove them
Joy will sing throughout creation
Joy will sing throughout creation
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Joy will sing throughout creation Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 55: 10-13 Joy will sing throughout creation, laughter fill the hills and vales; snow and rain, sun's elevation, signs that God's love still prevails. Seed for sower, bread for feasting, fruit that blos
Like a trace of mist at morning
Like a trace of mist at morning
by Andrew Pratt
Like a trace of mist at morning, golden in the rising sun, grace remains beyond the dawning of the grief that has begun. See Elisha followed after old Elijah, near to death; holding onto something special: gracious spirit, near as breath. Verses 3-4 folllow Tune: ST OSWALD; WRAYS
May God bless and shine upon us
May God bless and shine upon us
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: May God bless and shine upon us Proper 15 year A Psalm 67 May God bless and shine upon us all the riches his grace, may the earth, may every nation know the love in Jesus' face. Let the people offer praises, all who know God's saving power, those of this and every nation, t
Look around: so many places
Look around: so many places
by Andrew Pratt
Look around: so many places Look around: so many places, ravaged, ruined or destroyed. Ruthless people leaving carnage by the methods they deployed. In destruction prophets picture God in judgment showing strength. These are signs to bring the people to the Godhead's side at leng
Now is the time to reassess
Now is the time to reassess
by Andrew Pratt
Now is the time to reassess our place within God's grace, a time for calm, reflective prayer, to meet God face to face. Now is the time for honesty for God is by our side; each action seen and understood, no way that we can hide. Verses 3-4 follow Metre: CM Tune: FINGAL Andrew
Exodus and Leviticus - Now I will Seal a Covenant
Exodus and Leviticus - Now I will Seal a Covenant
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Now I Will Seal a Covenant EXODUS 34: 1-26 Visiting Jerusalem brings many striking experiences for sober-minded Westerners. The celebration of a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah at the Western Wall is an occasion of enthusiastic rejoicing, dancing, and singing as Torah scrolls are carr
2 Corinthians - The Vision and the Thorn
2 Corinthians - The Vision and the Thorn
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Vision and the Thorn 2 CORINTHIANS 12.1-10 Daedalus was a legendary Greek sculptor and craftsman, famous throughout the ancient world for his many clever inventions. It’s probable that he really did exist, though many of the stories about him and his work are clearly made up
Paul for Everyone Romans part 2 - The Two Olive Trees