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Poem: One continuous line of speech
Poem: One continuous line of speech
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: One continuous line of speech One continuous line of speech. First the creative Spirit bringing order from chaos. Next the prophets, thundering, condemning, or calling people to repentance. After them, the Son, embodying the image of God, challenging, changing, daring and s…
Poem: Strange witnesses
Poem: Strange witnesses
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Strange witnesses Strange witnesses to chose – who had been speaking of unbelievable stories, now imagining ghostly happenings, not believing their own eyes, Strange words Jesus chose – ‘Peace be with you,’ offered to frightened minds scared by his presence and looking for …
Heaviness may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning
Heaviness may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning
by Tony pitt
Photo of a stained glass window at Long Sutton Church, Hampshire. The lefthand pane shows Mary weeping at the tomb on Easter morning. The righthand pane shows Jesus appearing to the women. This reflects the text - ... grief giving way to joy.
Luke for Everyone - On The Road to Emmaus
Luke for Everyone - On The Road to Emmaus
by SPCK - N T Wright
On The Road to Emmaus Luke 24.13-27 If the story of the prodigal son has a claim to be the finest story Jesus ever told, the tale of the two on the road to Emmaus must have an equal claim to be the finest scene Luke ever sketched. It’s a shame to break it in half, as we’ve done (…
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
by David Perry
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith Reflection accompanying image “Zero point datum on York Station” Waiting on York Station last week I happened upon the Zero Post. What I read on the plaque above it straightaway sparked off thoughts of Easter. "The centre of…
Luke for Everyone - Signs of the End
Luke for Everyone - Signs of the End
by SPCK - N T Wright
Signs of the End Luke 21.5-19 A news reader announces that an asteroid passed close to the earth. When they say ‘close’, they mean about half a million miles; but in terms of the solar system, that’s quite near at hand. It shows, as one commentator said, that the planet Earth is …
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Shepherd and the Sheep
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Shepherd and the Sheep
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Shepherd and the Sheep John 10.11-18 I was talking to a friend who had been in business most of his life. ‘The trouble with so many business leaders today’, he said, ‘is that they’re only in it for their own quick profit. Once people were really concerned about making somethi…
Meditation-Is it any wonder
Meditation-Is it any wonder
by Marjorie Dobson
Meditation: Is it any wonder? Is it any wonder that those women were afraid? Surely we would have been, too? They had only gone to the tomb to take their special spices and oils for the ritual anointing of the body of their special friend – a task that was very common in those da…
The Lord now lives
The Lord now lives
by Michael Docker
The Lord now lives; the world has turned The Lord now lives; the world has turned: Life that had ended now revives. The Lord now lives, and we are turned From sighs of grief to sing, 'He lives!'; From fearful nights, from angry days, From clouded minds and wayward wills To richer…
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayer - Christ the King
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayer - Christ the King
by SPCK - Ian Black
Christ the King Lord Jesus Christ, in you we see the splendour of God in human form, sharing our joys, sufferings and frailty. In your resurrection and ascension we see your majesty completed... Taken from Prayers for All Occasions by Ian Black
Poem: Anger
Poem: Anger
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Anger Whip in hand and uncharacteristically angry, Jesus swept through the temple courtyard. Tables were smashed, money scattered; pigeons found freedom in flight and sacrificial animals fled to safety. His voice boomed across the rapidly emptying space – ‘this is desecrati…
Poem: Water upon water