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New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - Introduction
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - Introduction
by SPCK - N T Wright
INTRODUCTION I worked for some years as a member of a team of nine. Every month we used to meet for the best part of a day and slog our way through all kinds of issues – big questions of policy, sensitive details about individual people, routine (but important) matters of adminis…
The Monastery Of The Heart - 4 Prayer
The Monastery Of The Heart - 4 Prayer
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Prayer “[Let us] lay our petitions before the God of all with the utmost humility and sincere devotion.” Benedictine spirituality is rooted in the timelessness of scripture. It is the story of God’s way with the world… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan Chittister
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Saturday Evening Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Saturday Evening Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
ORDINARY TIME - Saturday Evening Prayer Blessed are you, O God, Maker of all: in Jesus Christ you offer everlasting newness of life. New life demands a new song, the song of the kingdom of heaven...
embodying mark - 4 Following the Shepherd
embodying mark - 4 Following the Shepherd
by SPCK - meda a a stamper
4 Following the Shepherd As in the last chapter, so also here Mark begins a story, interrupts it with another, and then comes round to the first story again. The passage we are exploring now follows on from Jesus’ sending of the disciples two by two in 6.7–13 to participate in hi…
10 results