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Hymn: A time is coming
Hymn: A time is coming
by Michael Docker
A time is coming - almost here When things long hid will be made clear And worship won't be here or there But by God's Spirit we'll declare The living Word is true, A time is coming and our aim Will be to glory in Christ's shame; And we will worship in his name; Filled with God's
If anyone would follow me
If anyone would follow me
by Michael Docker
If any one would follow me’ If any here one would follow Christ - A journey has been proffered; There is a way the Saviour walked Who loved and cared and suffered. All, all the world may provide - The fragile hopes, the hollow dreams – Leave, leave and turn aside And walk the way
Hymn: Who rules the world just like a king
Hymn: Who rules the world just like a king
by Andrew Pratt
Who rules the world just like a king within our present time and space? Who has the power of life and death, of healing or withholding grace. As politicians seek our votes, exposing or obscuring truth, sometimes their language loses rhyme, while arguments become obtuse. Just what
John The People's Commentary - No One Ever Spoke like This Man
John The People's Commentary - No One Ever Spoke like This Man
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
No One Ever Spoke like This Man Jesus’ claims to transcend the Sabbath and feasts like Passover and Tabernacles and to replace their perishable bread and water with his living bread and water have provoked speculation among his hearers…
Body - Chapter 7 - Beautiful Bodies (part 2)
Body - Chapter 7 - Beautiful Bodies (part 2)
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
Beautiful bodies? (part 2) Two knotty issues Before we return in the next chapter to look in more detail at what Paul had to say about the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12, there are two issues that we need to pause over briefly. One is sex; the other is the mortification of th
the historical character of Jesus - 1 Introduction: locating Jesus outside the Gospels
the historical character of Jesus - 1 Introduction: locating Jesus outside the Gospels
by SPCK - David Allen
Introduction: locating Jesus outside the Gospels It does not take much exposure to Gospels studies, or to biblical scholarship more generally, before one encounters the term ‘historical Jesus’…
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Advent Year B Opening prayer As people walk by to purchase for those they love gifts that, in days to come, will fade from memory, within this place we gather in celebration of your loving gift to all of humankind…
glimpses of glory - Christmas Day - Year C
glimpses of glory - Christmas Day - Year C
by SPCK - David Adam
Christmas Day Almighty Father, we rejoice in the coming of Christ our Lord. We pray that, as he has taken on our humanity, through your grace and goodness we may share in your divinity, and so partake in the radiance of your glory; through him who came down for us and is alive an
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 9 “Innovates”