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The Living God - How do We Know About God?
The Living God - How do We Know About God?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 How do we know about God? The God the creeds are speaking about is not some abstract entity but a living reality who engages, calls and loves us and whom we are invited to know and trust. As C. S. Lewis pointed out, God is not just some impersona
Simply Good News - Creator, Judge, Lover
Simply Good News - Creator, Judge, Lover
by SPCK - N T Wright
Creator, Judge, Lover The first is that the one true God is the creator of the world. We have thought about this before, but I want to stress here that this really is good news. We are not cast adrift in an alien environment. There’s an old hymn that begins, ‘This is my Father’s
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Our first case study is an issue that is regularly raised both in public debates and private conversations. If God is good, why is there suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen in a universe created by a supposedly loving God?
Great Christian Thinkers - 45 St. Peter Damian
Great Christian Thinkers - 45 St. Peter Damian
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Peter Damian One of the most significant figures of the eleventh century, St. Peter Damian, was a monk, a lover of solitude, and at the same time a fearless man of the Church. He was also committed personally to the task of reform, initiated by the popes of the time… Taken fr
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 28 September 1931
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 28 September 1931
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 28 SEPTEMBER 1931 The fashion today is to place God in court and give Him a trial. We have had such a lust for “debunking” every good and useful man in history that even God cannot escape. It is one of the unfortunate by-products of the quest for truth, plus an unlove
The Living God - Creation and science
The Living God - Creation and science
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Creator of heaven and earth 4 Creation and science Christianity understands the universe to be a created reality that is distinct from God yet reveals God’s fingerprints at point after point. There is an obvious spiritual lesson here: to study God’s creation is to catch glimpses
Mere Apologetics - 5b Why Does the Reasonableness of Christianity Matter?
Mere Apologetics - 5b Why Does the Reasonableness of Christianity Matter?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Why Does the Reasonableness of Christianity Matter? Why is this point so important? Why should we need to show that Christian belief is reasonable? Why not just assert it? One of the apologetic points we need to emphasize here is that it is difficult to defend ideas that seem cou
Mere Apologetics - 6b Clue 3: Order—The Structure of the Physical World
Mere Apologetics - 6b Clue 3: Order—The Structure of the Physical World
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Clue 3: Order—The Structure of the Physical World Our instinct to discern order within the world is expressed clearly in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. The natural sciences are also based on the idea of the regularity of the universe. Without an ordered cosmos, the s
Mere Apologetics - 6e Clue 7: Eternity— The Intuition of Hope
Mere Apologetics - 6e Clue 7: Eternity— The Intuition of Hope
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Clue 7: Eternity— The Intuition of Hope Some biblical passages are difficult to translate into English on account of the richness and complexity of the original Hebrew or Greek. As they say, things get lost in translation. The third chapter of Ecclesiastes takes the form of an ex
Mere Apologetics - 6d Clue 6: Beauty—The Splendor of the Natural World