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Prayer: Reassuring God
Prayer: Reassuring God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Reassuring God Reassuring God, we come to thank you for all those caring and compassionate people who offer support and encouragement to others in so many different ways. Their love and their service is offered willingly and with a true spirit of dedication. Yet we so oft
The Women's Bible Commentary - Love More and More: Sexual Behaviour and Social Morality
The Women's Bible Commentary - Love More and More: Sexual Behaviour and Social Morality
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Household Code The author believes that behaviour appropriate to the new life is communal in nature (3:12–15), constituted by Christian worship (3:16–17), and marked by the peace and harmony of the reconciled creation (3:14)…
Hymn: The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God
Hymn: The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God
by Andrew Pratt
The Psalmist calls for new songs praising God but we prefer familiar words and ways. We hold and cage and mould God to our will, defending customs smothering our praise. A world-wide pool of images and grace informs our faith, re-vitalises hope, and so our view, so narrow and obs
5 results