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How could this man from Nazareth
How could this man from Nazareth
by Andrew Pratt
How could this man from Nazareth speak with such power and heal the sick, he spoke with great authority, the healing might have been a trick? But those who came were healed, made well, and what he said was common sense, yet spoken in a way well honed, the word of God, the present
Hymn: Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone
Hymn: Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone
by Andrew Pratt
Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone, while cliffs have crumbled into sand, but faith is founded on a rock, eternal love will always stand. Our God, though humble, born of flesh, will hold, renew, restore, refresh. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ABINGDON Andrew Pratt (born 1948) W
Hymn: A perfect storm, as Galilee
Hymn: A perfect storm, as Galilee
by Andrew Pratt
A perfect storm, as Galilee became a foaming maelstrom, the boats were spun and tossed like corks, no more a sluggish doldrum. And through it all their friend had dozed, the chaos found him sleeping while panic reigned, fear took control, as crashing waves were sweeping. A desp
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 9 The Walking on the Water
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Walking on the Water The story of Jesus’ walking on the water appears in three of the four Gospels: not, as one might expect, in the three Synoptic Gospels, but in Matthew, Mark, and John. Luke does not include this episode; he moves directly from the feeding miracle to the c
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 6 Year B