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Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Fourth Sunday of Advent Luke 1.39-45 [46-55} Gaze on a woman in pregnancy. At the beginning, when the baby first moves, it is a secret known only to the mother, then shared with her partner, family and close friends, and in time, the domed belly will force all around to know
Poem: Heavenly vision
Poem: Heavenly vision
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Heavenly vision A city of gold wrapped in a vision of light, where there is no night, nor a temple in sight, but with a river pure and crystal bright flowing between twelve trees of life planted to heal the nations’ strife. Such is one vision of heaven. Continues... ©Marjor
The Things He Carried - 4. His Followers' Disappointments
The Things He Carried - 4. His Followers' Disappointments
by SPCK - Stephen Cottrell
THE THINGS HE CARRIED 4. His Followers’ Disappointments He carried his followers’ disappointments. You see, they thought he was going to be a different sort of king. Heaven knows, he had tried. He had tried to etch eternity into the stubborn humanity of those who followed him, bu
What news is good? That Christ will live forever?
What news is good? That Christ will live forever?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? That Christ will live forever? Beyond a cruel death an empty grave? And whether this is fact or faith means nothing unless Christ's Spirit gives the means to save. If we endure derision, in this moment, or share communion bread within this place, unless our liv
6 results