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And the Master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my home may be filled. Luke 14:23
Douglas Burke is a regular contributor to The Seed and you can see his stunning photography here. The royalties that Douglas receives are used to support some amazing work going on in Blackpool. Let’s here from Douglas himself exactly what is going on.
The Comfort Zone, Blackpool
Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:17
Thornton Methodist Church member Greg Doughty, saw the need of Blackpool’s homeless and destitute and wanted to exercise his new found faith in practical ways and had a vision. He contacted North Shore Methodist Church in Blackpool who had many years’ experience of feeding the less privileged, in one of the country’s poorest areas. They conduct two hour drop in sessions at various times throughout the week.
Greg saw an opportunity to run a session on a Monday evening from 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. calling it, “The Comfort Zone.” The first time he opened up the church for his session, one man and his dog came in. Word quickly spread however and the numbers rapidly increased. Gwen Cross also from Thornton Methodist Church volunteered to help and with the commitment, and a desire to share God’s love for those in need, the foyer of North Shore Church swelled in numbers. Several months on, sixty four people are fed and watered in a free cafe style service.
Those seeking food are asked on arrival to sign a register and are given a first and second meal ticket. They take a seat and volunteers take their order. The menu is usually jacket potato, beans and cheese or hotpot and red cabbage. Coffee or tea is also cheerfully handed out. For their second meal, hot dog or pot noodle is on offer, with a side plate of a chocolate biscuit, fresh fruit and one or two tasty extras.
Maintaining the service is only possible through the generous giving of funds and food by church members and also Saturday Morning fundraising events.
The customers are well-behaved and very grateful, many being aware they are entering a church. Names and trust is formed and an opportunity to drip feed the Gospel Message is available. The love of God for all people is always present.
Douglas Burke
The work also allows others to share their faith in action, here’s a few words from Sophie who volunteers at The Comfort Zone.
Volunteering at the Comfort Zone
The Comfort Zone takes place every Monday night at North Shore Methodist in Blackpool. I have felt for a while now that this was a worthy cause to support and therefore decided to become a volunteer. With some trepidation, I went along to volunteer for the first time a couple of weeks before Christmas. The instant warmth which I was greeted with was overwhelming. The fellow volunteers who also dedicate their time and effort provide a constant source of conversation and a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. By meeting and communicating with the people who we serve, I have learnt a great deal about the reality which some people face in life every day. These people are homeless or destitute, with many suffering from substance abuse problems. Yet these would be the very people who Jesus would serve in his ministry. He sought to care for the marginalised. I felt before I went that this was a worthy cause, but now I am fully aware how worthy the work that is undertaken here actually is. The true love of Jesus is evident here.
Sophie Burke (aged 16)