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BigRead 2012 Housegroup material Week 7
BigRead 2012 Housegroup material Week 7
by BigBible
Week 7: Transformation Nibbles: Think back over the previous week. Did you ‘eat your chocolate’, e.g. read with a paper in one hand, the Bible in the other? Talk about what you’ve taken from this course, and start to think about what happens next. You may enjoy:
Eco LEctionary September 11
Eco LEctionary September 11
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY September 2011 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year A 4 September 2010 Ezekiel 33: 7-11 Psalm 119: 33-40 Romans 13: 8-14 Matthew 18: 15-20 In Ezekiel, the Lord has warned the watchman. It is now the watchman’s task to warn the rest. If you see the eco m
Quick Expert Guide to AV
Quick Expert Guide to AV
by DM Music
A good Church AV system offers lots of fresh new ways to engage the congregation. Adding a visual aspect to worship, can enhance the all important Message - song word and bible text projection, video, DVD, and visual presentations are just some of the ways to do this...
Quick Expert Guide to Church Presentation Software
Quick Expert Guide to Church Presentation Software
by DM Music
An audio visual system is nothing without content and will greatly benefit from proper Worship Presentation Software as a means to communicate the message more effectively. PowerPoint presentations do go some way to offer this but are by no means ideal, or versatile enough for a
Quick Expert Guide to Projectors
Quick Expert Guide to Projectors
by DM Music
Church AV systems offer a visual aspect to worship and enhance the message being delivered. A large screen is only really achievable via a projected image onto a suitable screen. A single large screen adds a central focus to worship and and gives a sense of unity to the congrega
Quick Expert Guide in PA
Quick Expert Guide in PA
by DM Music
PA systems are designed primarily to help the congregation hear the spoken word - sermons, readings and testimonies - and music, both live and pre-recorded. Any PA system comprises key links in the ‘audio chain’ including - input, control, amplification and output. Like a chain,
Quick Expert Guide to Audio Mixers
Quick Expert Guide to Audio Mixers
by DM Music
A mixing desk is the central nerve centre of any sound system. It’s essential job is to combine multiple input sound sources such as microphones, musical instruments, CD players etc and balance sound levels before sending the signal out to the speaker system. Most mixers also off
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Jerusalem’s Fall and Future
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Jerusalem’s Fall and Future
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Jerusalem’s Fall and Future The second round of judgment/promise begins with a specific and detailed oracle against Jerusalem. The imagery here is graphic; it describes the rulers’ oppressive behaviour as tearing off the skin and flesh, consuming the people (3:1–3)…
Isaiah for everyone - Good News for People Who Are Broken and Flickering
Isaiah for everyone - Good News for People Who Are Broken and Flickering
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Good News for People Who Are Broken and Flickering In a movie we recently watched called Stuck between Stations, the protagonists, a man and a woman, tell each other stories that explicate something of who they are. The man is a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan who has watched one of
Isaiah for everyone - The People Who Know What’s Best
Isaiah for everyone - The People Who Know What’s Best
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The People Who Know What’s Best I have been a student or a professor in four seminaries. One thing that students and faculty have in common is that they often think they know more about how to run the seminary than its head or the board of governors. For most of this time I was e
Isaiah for everyone - God the Creator of Evil