Resources - Written - Search Results
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B Opening prayer You speak to us in many ways: in the quiet of our worship, the singing of our hymns, the reading of your word, the fellowship we share. Open our ears and hearts that we might hear your gentle voice and, hearing, respond…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Seventh Sunday of Easter Year C Opening prayer We meet as family in your presence, our heavenly Father. We meet as brothers and sisters in Christ, accepting the responsibility placed upon us— to love one another as you first loved us…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C Opening prayer In our worship today, let us remember that the love of God for his people and for his church knows no limits. The psalmist talks of God’s love reaching up to the heavens and his justice to the depth of the ocean, and yet God blesses…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Lent Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Lent Year C Opening prayer We come together to worship the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob and the God of David. We worship the one true God, creator of all, Lord of all, our strength and hope, our light and our salvation. We come together as family, joined by t…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Easter Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Easter Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Third Sunday of Easter Year C Opening prayer May the God of life, who spoke to the heart of Saul on the road to Damascus, speak to us in this place as we gather for worship, bring our prayers and listen to his word. May we see his light, follow where he leads us and be used in se…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Advent - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Advent - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Third Sunday of Advent Year C Opening prayer This is Advent, the season of expectation. In homes throughout the land, Christmas cards stand on mantelpiece and windowsill. Festive trees are adorned with tinsel and baubles, and children wonder what gifts will lie beneath the tree t…
embodying mark - 7 Following the King