Lectionary 16/03/2025
- Second Sunday of/in Lent - Year C
Lectionary Readings
Luke 13: 31-35
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 15.1–12, 17–18 Philippians 3.17—4.1 Luke 13.31–5 Conversations between God and Abraham are always worth listening to. You can’t help noticing that God likes Abraham, and talks to him, man to man, and that Abraham talks freely, even cheekily to Go
Poem: Determination
Poem: Determination
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Determination Nothing could deter him. Not religious opposition. Not the wily Herod. Not the prophetic predictions. Not the Pharisees with their plotting, nor the teachers with their testing, nor the disciples and their doubting. Nothing could stop him. Continues... ©Marjor
Monologue: Thoughts of a Pharisee
Monologue: Thoughts of a Pharisee
by David John Woodman
The monologue "Thoughts of a Pharisee" can be used separately or with the following talk & challenge. It is based on Lent 2 year C readings from Luke 13:31-35 (Monologue) & Phillipians 3:17-4:1 (Challenge). Thoughts of a Pharisee considering if he did what was right in telling Je
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent
by Christine Dutton
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent These prayers were written to go alongside a service for the Second Sunday in Lent, based on the gospel passage in Luke 13: 31-35. I was particularly struck by the words in verse 34: ‘How many times have I wanted to put my arm
Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C
Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 2nd Sunday in Lent Yr C The Fox and the Hen Luke 13:31-35 I have beheaded John, so who is this I am hearing about? The final chapter has begun, The forces of destruction are beginning to gather, The powers of this world are closing ranks... Created by David Middleton
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 104 21/02/16