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The Same Spirit - poem/meditation
The Same Spirit - poem/meditation
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/meditation -The same spirit Sixth Sunday of Easter John 14: 15-21 A counsellor. A comforter. An advocate. That’s what we need – all three of them. The counsellor will listen and ask questions and help us to understand ourselves, then give us wise advice, but only if we ask f
GOD's rich Pattern - Shared dark valley
GOD's rich Pattern - Shared dark valley
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
Shared dark valley Every new contact with counselling took me on a different pathway. Through the work with Carematch, Dr Greengross asked me to get involved with SPOD (Sexual Problems of Disabled). It is sobering for some people to realize that people with disabilities are sexua
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Day of Pentecost Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Day of Pentecost Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Day of Pentecost John 14.8-17 [25-27] Gaze on a wood in a storm, the trees blown every which way by the invisible wind. Branches are stripped of their leaves and the weaker boughs are broken, and fall to the forest floor. Listen to the rage of the storm, rushing through a garden,
Meditation - Pentecost Year C
Meditation - Pentecost Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Pentecost Year C Help at last! John 14: 8-17 (25-27) ‘If you love me, obey my commandments,’ he said. Well that sounds easy enough, and to a great extent it’s perfectly reasonable. We really do love him, and just as he so rightly said, because we love him, we want to
Meditation - Trinity Sunday Year C
Meditation - Trinity Sunday Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Trinity Sunday Time Year C Tomorrow John 16: 12-15 Why? Why go to such lengths to fill us in, Father God? As I look back over the history of your relationship with us I am staggered at the lengths you’ve done to keep us informed. You are God, accountable to no one, f
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Monologue/Reflection: Advance warning He told them he was going. He warned them in advance. He said, ‘I will be leaving you.’ He said, ‘I’m telling you these things because you will understand. Others won’t. You love and understand me. They don’t.’ And they didn’t either. D
A cloak of darkness, like a shroud
A cloak of darkness, like a shroud
by Andrew Pratt
A cloak of darkness, like a shroud, had crawled across the rolling land, and through that darkness people trudged, a weary, wand'ring, pilgrim band. From day to day they marked their route, but when at last all hope had gone, in darkness, deeper than before, some lost the heart t
Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace
by Ian Harris
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
by Andrew Pratt
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it? A Wonderful Counsellor? God? Prince of Peace? Or was it a riddle? Divine intervention, a hope in their horror, a way to release? So was there assurance, the darkness illumined, to those knowing shadows the promise of light?... Ve
A baby had been promised
A baby had been promised
by Andrew Pratt
A baby had been promised, a child had come to birth whose counsel should be honoured by everyone on earth. His presence was first signalled in unexpected ways by shepherds and by Magi who came to offer praise. Verses 2-3 follow © Andrew Pratt 19/1/2014 Andrew Pratt (born 1948)
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
A Parting Gift Jesus explains to his disciples that, although he is going to leave them, he will still be with them through the Holy Spirit, revealing himself to them (14:21). Each time he has talked of going away, one of the disciples has asked a question for further clarificati
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Day of Pentecost Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Day of Pentecost Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Day of Pentecost John 15.26-27 16.4b-15 Gaze on the disciples at the back of the room, ones we don’t hear much about, Alphaeus or Thaddeus for instance. They’ve long stopped concentrating, and they give each other secret glances of puzzlement. Is it blasphemy to suggest they are
15 results