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John The People's Commentary - Destroy This Temple
John The People's Commentary - Destroy This Temple
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Destroy This Temple It is not only in his placing of the temple incident at the start of Jesus’ ministry that John differs from the other gospels. He also has this story concerning a saying of Jesus about the destruction of the temple…
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
by SPCK - N T Wright
Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension A word, in conclusion, about the immediate sequel. I have written extensively about the resurrection elsewhere (The Resurrection of the Son of God, Surprised by Hope) and a fair amount about the Ascension too (in addition to the above, s
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe Let’s begin with that deceptively simple phrase ‘the image of God’ – because in trying to understand how, for Paul, the whole universe is reorganized around the figure of Jesus, this idea is central…
Moulin Rouge Bible Study part 6
Moulin Rouge Bible Study part 6
by Tim Marshall
A Bible Study which relies heavily on discussion rather than leading. Using the film 'Moulin Rouge' as a starting point and then looking at a variety of passages (which can be obtained from the web in a variety of different translations) There are questions to help start discussi
The Power of the Parable - The Visionary Dream of God
The Power of the Parable - The Visionary Dream of God
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 10 The Visionary Dream of God The Parable Gospel According To John The Power of the Parables HOW FICTION BY JESUS BECAME FICTION ABOUT JESUS When you think of World Heritage Sites, you usually imagine ancient places and ruined cities. But one site is emphatically neither.
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
by Andrew T Murphy
[A slightly revised version, to replace the earlier version] "Justice has been done"? How does God deal with sin? What is justice? Surely it is more than simply punishment or revenge. This is a big hymn which asks for a big theory of atonement, exploring the wealth of rich
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Holy Week and Easter Prayers