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A counsel not to despair
A counsel not to despair
by Michaela Youngson
Reflection: A counsel not to despair Based on Isaiah 40 The writer of Isaiah 40 takes great pains to remind the people of Israel of the full majesty of God the Creator. In wonderful poetry he writes of God ‘who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a ten
Drama: A cloud of witnesses
Drama: A cloud of witnesses
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Monologue: A cloud of witnesses Reading: Hebrews 11: 29 – 12:2 (Followed by the speaker chatting to the visible, or unseen, person who has just read the lesson and responding to unheard answers.) A cloud of witnesses? What’s all that about then? Surely you don’t still think
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Meditation: Fruits of the Spirit If people looking for the evidence of our faith turn to the church today, what do they see? Is there a danger that they will find indifference, when they need love: moaning and complaining, when they need joy: bickering and back-biting, when
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - True and False Wisdom
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - True and False Wisdom
by SPCK - N T Wright
1 THE WISDOM OF THE SPIRIT TRUE AND FALSE WISDOM James 3: 13-18 It all began with a wrong diagnosis. I came upon the obituary of a famous actress in the newspaper just the other day. She wasn’t particularly old – in her early 70s, quite young these days. Her doctor hadn’t seen th
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
by Andrew Pratt
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? Luke 2: 41-52 Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? From Christmas to Easter God comes as a stranger. From Bethlehem's stable, a child in a temple, two people in exile, a man with a temper, Beyond all the tinsel the st
5 results