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Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
Hymn: As Jesus faced his closest friends
by Marjorie Dobson
As Jesus faced his closest friends and asked them,’Who am I?’ ‘You are the Christ, the one who comes,’ was Peter’s sure reply. But Jesus turned to speak to them of torture and of pain and Peter could not bear those words and urged him, ‘turn again.’ Then Peter heard Christ’s shar…
Poem: Dance of death
Poem: Dance of death
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Dance of death A swish of silken skirt and swaying body; bright unbound hair and darkened dazzling eyes; bejewelled dress revealing, then concealing; devices all designed to mesmerize. The music slowed, the dance grew yet more sensual, the guests were captivated by the sigh…
Open with God Book - May - Christian Aid Week (week 20)
Open with God Book - May - Christian Aid Week (week 20)
by Christine Odell
May – Christian Aid Week (week 20) Calendar of Prayers Reading Psalm 146.5-9 Our God, we praise and thank you for the abundant love you pour out upon us: for giving us this world to provide for our needs; for giving us free will so that we can choose to express our humanity by lo…
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Unexpected Coming
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Unexpected Coming
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Unexpected Coming Matthew 24.36-44 It was a fine Saturday afternoon in the heat of summer. The family, some on holiday from work, were relaxing in the house and the garden. Books and magazines were lying around the place, along with coffee mugs, newspapers and packets of bisc…
Poem: Regret
Poem: Regret
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Regret A child who becomes an enemy is still a child. And only the most hard-hearted of parents would not feel some measure of regret and sorrow when the death of that child is reported. The ties of love, even though shredded by conflict and anger, leave threads of emotion …
Monday of Holy Week Service
Monday of Holy Week Service
by Marjorie Dobson
Monday of Holy Week - Complete Act of Worship (SLIGHTLY AMENDED VERSION OF THE TEXT ALREADY ON TWELVEBASKETS) John 12: 1-11, Mark 14: 1-9 Drama: The Woman and the Perfume The woman and the perfume (A complete order of service including hymns, meditation and some prayers written f…
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Sick and Elderly
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayers for the Sick and Elderly
by SPCK - Ian Black
Five prayers for the Sick and Elderly: Going into nursing care In hospital or a hospice Accepting our own mortality Terminal illness Anxiously watching and waiting Lord of all our days, you hold our life from birth to death and bless us in each stage. Be with us in this new jo…
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayer - Passion of Christ
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayer - Passion of Christ
by SPCK - Ian Black
Passion of Christ Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks and praise for you endured the horror of the nails, piercing your hands and feet, the crown of thorns... Also available as part of a selection of prayers for Holy Week and Easter - click here Taken from Prayers for Al…
Reflections for Holy Week - Pieta
Reflections for Holy Week - Pieta
by Michaela Youngson
Pieta I was fourteen when I cradled you in my not much more than infant arms, wrapped you in linen cloth, fed you with my own life force. Rich men came and brought gifts fit for a king. Who knew that the swaddling cloth would herald a shroud, the myrrh would point to your embalmi…
Reflection/monologue: God and Nineveh
Reflection/monologue: God and Nineveh
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/monologue: God and Nineveh God must have loved Nineveh. Look how much trouble he took to save it. The right man had to be sent, but what happened when God told him to get on with it? Jonah said, ‘No fear! I’m not going near the place. I’m off in the other direction as …
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B