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When Moses uttered, ones who heard
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
by Andrew Pratt
When Moses uttered, ones who heard assumed he spoke for them, for now, not for some future time or place still wanting of a Saviour's grace. And yet those words would resonate beyond that early utterance, would still have force in later years to speak to latent needs and fears. V
How God Became King - 3c Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice
How God Became King - 3c Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice A fourth inadequate answer has tried to tie the first and the third together. The aim is still to get us to heaven, but Jesus is not just the moral exemplar – his perfect life means that he can be the perfect sacrifice…
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Word became Flesh
John THE PEOPLE’S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Word became Flesh
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The Word became Flesh Like an overture, the Prologue introduces the gospel’s major themes. First, John arranged his composition against a cosmic backdrop of the realm of divine light above and our dark world below…
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter Four A COCK FOR ASCLEPIUS: ‘RELIGION’ AND ‘CULTURE’ IN PAUL’S WORLD 1 Introduction ‘The world is full of gods,’ Thales had said.1 But gods, by definition, do not play according to our rules. They’re inconsistent, pursuing private quarrels, moods and fancies, eager for bri
Hymn: There is no need for sacrifice
Hymn: There is no need for sacrifice
by Andrew Pratt
There is no need for sacrifice save love for friend and neighbour since Christ broke every barrier down. Let this define our labour. The sweetest offering of our love is all that is demanded: to love each person as ourselves is what the Christ commanded. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter Three ATHENE AND HER OWL: THE WISDOM OF THE GREEKS 2. The Shape and Content of First-Century Philosophy (iii) Epicureans and Stoics By then, however, two major new schools, and two related minor but still significant ones, had come in to join the Academy and the Peripatet
52 Reflections on Faith - Maundy Thursday: washing the feet
52 Reflections on Faith - Maundy Thursday: washing the feet
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Maundy Thursday: washing the feet Maundy Thursday is the first of the three holy days leading up to Easter. Christians usually think of it as the day when the Eucharist was instituted. Jesus ate a meal with his disciples in Jerusalem the night before he died, thereby inaugurating
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
by SPCK - N T Wright
Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God Once we learn, from Mark, how we might read the story of Jesus as the story of Israel’s God returning at last, we may find it easier to recognize the ways in which Matthew and Luke are doing something very similar…
How God Became King - 9d Kingdom, Cross and God part 2
How God Became King - 9d Kingdom, Cross and God part 2
by SPCK - N T Wright
Kingdom, Cross and God part 2 This is how it works. First, the vision. Daniel has a dream of four monsters trampling the earth in great wickedness and violence. Then a court scene develops in heaven: ‘Thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne’ (7.9)…
Simply Good News - Surprised by God
Simply Good News - Surprised by God
by SPCK - N T Wright
Surprised by God The word God is a heavy, clunky little syllable. It drops like a lead weight into otherwise cheerful conversations. It sticks in the throat like a lump of undercooked dumpling. It comes up over the horizon like a sudden cloud, blotting out the sun. The very sound
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter Three ATHENE AND HER OWL: THE WISDOM OF THE GREEKS 2. The Shape and Content of First-Century Philosophy (iv) Four Leading Stoics (a) Seneca Seneca was born around the same time as Jesus of Nazareth. He wrote voluminously, employing a brilliant style which he could adapt i
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Easter - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Easter - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Second Sunday of Easter Year A Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31 In these readings, for the week following Easter, we see the value of what Jesus’ death and resurrection bought for us, the outworking of our salvation... Created by Susan Thorne on
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Worthy is The Lamb
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Worthy is The Lamb
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN PRAYERS WORTHY IS THE LAMB Revelation 5:8-14 Think of it as a visit to the theatre. You are sitting in the dark when the drum begins. A slow, steady rhythm. It’s telling you something. It’s going somewhere. It builds up, l
the greatest prayer - Our Father in Heaven
the greatest prayer - Our Father in Heaven
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
2 Our Father in Heaven Our Father which art in heaven . . . Our Father in heaven . . . Matthew 6:9, NRSV Her name was Babatha and she lived in Maoza, on the southern tip of Israel’s Dead Sea coast. She was illiterate, wealthy, and financially very competent, moving easily within
How God Became King - 9 The Kingdom and the Cross in Four Dimensions
How God Became King - 9 The Kingdom and the Cross in Four Dimensions
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Kingdom and the Cross in Four Dimensions We come now to the central claim of this book. All four gospels are telling the story of how God became king in and through this story of Jesus of Nazareth. This central theme is stated in a thoroughly integrated way, again in all four
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The image of God in us But there’s more to it, because of course what St Paul is evoking is not a Jesus who simply sits on the throne of heaven and receives our prayers, but a Jesus who – because his own life in time and eternity consists entirely in pouring out praise and love t
Great Christian Thinkers - 18 St. Eusebius of Vercelli