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The Womens' Bible Commentary - Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb In the final three chapters of this Gospel, women all but disappear. This is so because the reader enters the world of male politics, violence, and bonding, but also because Luke is describing last preparations and authorization of male figures f…
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 27 Theology, Narrative and Authority
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 27 Theology, Narrative and Authority
by SPCK - N T Wright
Theology, Narrative and Authority I shall now argue that the conception of the task, the way of reading the New Testament, for which I have been arguing in the last three chapters, enables us to do what pre-modern Christian readers assumed they could do without difficulty, and wh…
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
How God Became King - 5c Looking for the Right Thing
by SPCK - N T Wright
Looking for the Right Thing At this point we have to be careful and once more get some critical distance from the main streams of our own recent traditions. It all depends on looking for the right thing. It has been popular for well over a hundred years to see the explicitly high…
the historical character of Jesus - 6b James and the Jesus tradition
the historical character of Jesus - 6b James and the Jesus tradition
by SPCK - David Allen
James and the Jesus tradition Were the Jacobean Jesus merely just about locating specific references to Jesus’ name, then even with the most optimistic application of 2.1, we would surely end up with a fairly limited picture, a faint portrait at the very best…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Passion Narrative Paralleling Mark 14:3–9 and John 12:1–8, Matthew 26:6–13 (cf. Luke 7:36–50) describes Jesus’ anointing. The action has a twofold meaning: Jesus equates it with the rituals accompanying burial (26:12) and so acknowledges women’s religious deed…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 5 The Gospel according to Luke
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 5 The Gospel according to Luke
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Gospel according to Luke Like Matthew, Luke has used Mark’s Gospel in composing his narrative, but whereas Matthew reproduces almost all of Mark, Luke reprocesses only about half of it.1 Like Matthew, Luke augments the core story of Jesus with a birth and infancy narrative an…
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - Rise to the Challenge
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - Rise to the Challenge
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book HOW TO LIVE RISE TO THE CHALLENGE By Stuart Kerner Suitable for Key Stage Three Aim To encourage spiritual discipline and effort, through the analogy of an athlete. Preparation and materials • You might like to dress in a tracksuit and t…
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - The Paralysed Man Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - The Paralysed Man Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
The Paralysed Man (4 and 1) Bible ref: Mark 2:1-12 If you have time find photographs of equipment that help people who are paralysed for projecting in the assembly as a lot of children will not have seen the items before... Story About the same time that Jesus was born in Bethleh…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Easter Day Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Easter Day Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Easter Day Isaiah 25.6-9 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 John 20.1-18 This Gospel reading is not, as one writer has suggested, ‘a sanitized story about a trip to a garden and a lovely surprise’. If Easter is in any sense the happy ending after a sad story, that is the least important thing…
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 20 Year B