Love - Advent Candles 2
Taken from Advent Candles
Luke 1:68-79
Jesus Without Language
Here we are going to think about love specifically focusing on Zechariah and Elizabeth. We have games to play, a story to listen to, crafts, colouring, a bible verse we can learn and a prayer to share. Along the way we will we learn that despite being very old Zechariah and Elizabeth were told by an angel sent by God that they were to have a much wanted baby, when Zechariah saw their baby, John, in his mother's arms his first words were a song of love. John was a sign of God's love for humankind. It is all divided into 2 age groups, 6 and under and 7 and over, then a second section for family study that also has prompts for preschoolers and teens so you can tailor it to your needs.