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Poem: One continuous line of speech
Poem: One continuous line of speech
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: One continuous line of speech One continuous line of speech. First the creative Spirit bringing order from chaos. Next the prophets, thundering, condemning, or calling people to repentance. After them, the Son, embodying the image of God, challenging, changing, daring and s
Prayer: Confession
Prayer: Confession
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Confession It seems so unrealistic to talk of not knowing about sin and never committing sin – and if we do, then we cannot know, or see, Jesus. How can that be possible, when we’re only human and we are told that Jesus is the only one without sin? Some contradiction ther
Poem: Ignorance
Poem: Ignorance
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Ignorance Peter was not known for caution, spoke too often without thinking, but when faced with hostile questions found, for once, the words to answer. Gave his witness with great courage, led by late-gained inspiration. Could it be with new self-knowledge, stirred by guil
Meditation/poem/prayer: If love is the centre of God’s being
Meditation/poem/prayer: If love is the centre of God’s being
by Marjorie Dobson
Meditation/poem/prayer: If love is the centre of God’s being If love is the centre of God’s being and we are surrounded by that love, why is it that we find it so hard to love certain other people? Is it a matter of overcoming prejudice? Jesus did that. Is it a matter of disagree
Poem: Covenant
Poem: Covenant
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Covenant A covenant of love is made between two people who are committed to each other and want to share their lives with each other. Each enters into the covenant with the intention of giving all to a lifelong relationship. All is done in good faith and with the best of mo
Prayer: Everything in common
Prayer: Everything in common
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Everything in common What a great start to a new movement. No one held back. People with money and property put it all into the common purse and those who had nothing knew that they would receive a fair share and would be able to live in peace and harmony, with the same s
Open with God Book - January - Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January)
Open with God Book - January - Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January)
by Christine Odell
January – Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) Calendar of Prayers Reading: Psalm 77 Suffering God, at times we find it hard to praise you. There are things that happen in our world that we do not even want to think about,..
Poem: God so loved
Poem: God so loved
by Marjorie Dobson
No complicated creeds, or self-righteous rituals. No holy huddles, or raw judgements. No insistence on conformity. Only a call to turn around to find forgiveness waiting. For at the heart of all creation and the core of our existence there is the love of God for errant people. Co
Why now?
Why now?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Why now? Proper 17 Year A Romans 12: 9-21 Vengeance is a natural reaction and most children have the instinct from an early age. We have to be taught to share, to forgive, to live in peace with one another and to resist our automatic reaction to get our own back. So we pray
Grant us wisdom
Grant us wisdom
by Marjorie Dobson
Responsive prayer: Grant us wisdom Proper 12 year A 1 Kings 3: 5-12 When dislike teeters on the brink of hatred: God grant us wisdom. When prejudice threatens to overwhelm balanced judgement: God grant us wisdom. When disinterest in the welfare of others begins to turn into apath
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