Search Results
by Alan M Barker
Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) See the series of Gospel Words by entering Gospel Words in the Search Box PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 3648x2736 pixels and 3.2MB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image …
The Cross
The Cross
by Andy Lindley
The cross at St Mary's church Whitby, reaching into the sky. 1 Corinthians 1:18 [ Christ crucified is God’s power and wisdom ] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERN…
A Pentecost Prayer
A Pentecost Prayer
by John Birch
A prayer for Pentecost. Extract: When was the last time that we heard the wind of your Spirit roar through this place? When was the last time your fire lit up this room? When was the last time we took you at your word and met together in expectation of your Spirit filling this pl…
A prayer about creation
A prayer about creation
by John Birch
A prayer on a theme of creation. Extract: Every creature, every plant every rock and grain of sand proclaims the glory of its Creator worships through colour, shape scent and form. A multi-sensory song of praise. Creator God, may we join with the whole of your creation in praisin…
John The People's Commentary - Belief, Blindness and Fear
John The People's Commentary - Belief, Blindness and Fear
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Belief, Blindness and Fear We have suggested that John’s gospel is a two-act drama, with this section as an interlude (see on 1:19 and 11:1 above). The central actor, Jesus, is working very hard! He was not merely on stage for most of Act One, but at the centre of the action…
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The image of God in us But there’s more to it, because of course what St Paul is evoking is not a Jesus who simply sits on the throne of heaven and receives our prayers, but a Jesus who – because his own life in time and eternity consists entirely in pouring out praise and love t…
glimpses of glory - The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C