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Are you the One who is to come
Are you the One who is to come
by Michael Docker
Are you the One who is to come, or should we look for someone new? Thousands have named your holy name Yet now your followers are few. Are you the One to bring us life, or should we leave the search behind? Many have found a kind of truth While in their eyes our love seems blind.…
Father God whose face in Jesus
Father God whose face in Jesus
by Michael Docker
Father God whose face in Jesus Shows a love that saves and sees us, Holds and keeps and calls and frees us, For a crying world we pray When a man dies in a moment, When a world ends in the ferment Of dis-ease, despair and torment, For a hurting world we pray. When a family, churc…
Harvest - slow but sure growth
Harvest - slow but sure growth
by Colin Smith
This reflection/sermon examines and compares the kingdom of God with the growth and reaping of the harvest. In both of these it is noted that growth tends to be slow but sure, which gives us hope in a world where there is much misery. The role of judgement in both harvesting and …
Are you creative?
Are you creative?
by Colin Smith
This short reflection/sermon (534words) explores human creativity and its origin in God's action in creation. The Christian working creatively with God in building the kingdom is seen as the ideal outcome of a relationship with Him. This short reflection/sermon explores human cr…
Open with God Book - World Church