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LWPT Meditations - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 1st Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 If we do not believe that we are infinitely precious to God, we will miss the significance of so much that is in the scriptures. The doctrine of God’s grace focuses on the fact
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Second Sunday of Christmas Yr A John 1 v 1-18 Ephesians 1 v 3-14 New Year is a time of looking back at what we have achieved and endured in the past year, and of looking forward, with some trepidation, to the year ahead. We shall certainly be facing some challenges,
Hymn: From the depths my voice had echoed
Hymn: From the depths my voice had echoed
by Andrew Pratt
From the depths my voice had echoed, prayers were flung against the void, to my mind hope seemed to founder, faith it seemed had been destroyed. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ALL FOR JESUS Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/5/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England
LWPT Meditations - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2nd Samuel 11: 1-15 Psalm 14 Ephesians 3: 14-21 John 6: 1-21 “The fool says there is no God” (Psalm 14 v 1). King David was no fool, but on the occasion of his sin with Bathsheba (2nd Samuel 11 v 1-15) he behaved as if he believ
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Ezekiel 43.27—44.4 1 Corinthians 13.1–13 Luke 2.22–40 Ezekiel had seen the glory of the Lord abandoning Jerusalem and the Temple to their fate (chs 10—11). Fittingly, it is he who describes, in the strange visions of chapters 43—44, the return of tha
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Words of Blessing
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Words of Blessing
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS OF PAUL WORDS OF BLESSING Thessalonians 3: 11-13 When children begin to learn a musical instrument, or to sing, the teacher often plays alongside them. The children hear the music from the teacher mixed in with the sounds they are makin
Job for Everyone - Does Job Dispute the Moral Foundation of the World?
Job for Everyone - Does Job Dispute the Moral Foundation of the World?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Does Job Dispute the Moral Foundation of the world? Job 18: 1- 21 Last night we were watching the great movie Dogma, which is full of bad language, violence, and scatological humor. It is not a movie for the sensitive or fainthearted or squeamish, but it is one of the most theolo
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Get Yourself Outta Here
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Get Yourself Outta Here
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Get Yourself Outta Here Genesis 11: 31- 12: 2a I just had a phone call from a graduate of our seminary who is about to leave the United States to join some people seeking to establish a Christian presence in a country where there is little such witness. She knows that when my wif
Psalms for Everyone - Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
Psalms for Everyone - Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins Psalm 32 Yesterday a federal court found six police officers guilty of shooting six citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. My wife and I were reflecting about how the rest of us can’t simply dissociate ourselves from an event such as the s
Job for Everyone - The Man of Integrity
Job for Everyone - The Man of Integrity
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Man of Integrity Job 1: 1-5 Seminary chapel this morning focused on a devotional study of Psalm 23 that involved our asking which phrase in the psalm especially spoke to us. The phrase that leapt out for me was “my cup runs over.” I have been married for four months, and I lo
Job for Everyone - The Way We Are
Job for Everyone - The Way We Are
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Way We Are Job 30 1-31 Today a woman came to see me and wept. Her husband left her after ten years of marriage, leaving her with two small children to look after. On her account, his leaving came right out of the blue; there was no clue that he was unhappy in the marriage. Bu
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - What Do You Need to Know?
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - What Do You Need to Know?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
What Do You Need to Know? Genesis 14: 14-18 If you are Abraham, what do you assume about the religious insight of a person like Melchizedek, who is “priest of God Most High” but doesn’t know what you know about God? I have friends who have moved to Turkey, and to Central Asia, an
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Epiphany Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Third Sunday of Epiphany Nehemiah 8.1–3, 5–6, 8–10 1 Corinthians 12.12–31a Luke 4.14–21 The book of Nehemiah is an exciting and inspiring story. It is written in the first person, and its narrative is vivid and action-packed. Nehemiah, one of the many Jews carried away into e
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Prayer in Secret
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Prayer in Secret
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 1 NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ON PRAYER THE TEACHING OF JESUS PRAYER IN SECRET Matthew 6: 5-6 Once, when living in the Middle East, I went out for a walk in the afternoon. On my way home, feeling slightly hungry, I bought a bar of chocolate at a wayside stall. I got back home, we
Psalms for Everyone - Answer to Prayer Phase Two
Psalms for Everyone - Answer to Prayer Phase Two
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Answer to Prayer Phase Two Psalm 30 In connection with Psalm 16, I have mentioned how a few months ago I met, fell in love with, and proposed to someone, then discovered I had prostate cancer and arranged to have surgery. We had a very moving prayer time in church, and I knew God
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Kings, Priests, Levites, Prophets