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A toast to God, I lift my cup
A toast to God, I lift my cup
Hymn: A toast to God, I lift my cup ! Third Sunday of Easter Psalm 116: 1- 4; 12 – 19. A toast to God, I lift my cup! a God who senses, God who feels, who reached with care to rescue me when hell was hard upon my heels. When life was twisted all about, the world was spinning upsi…
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
by Andrew Pratt
Love is the focus to those who are loving, love is the centre, the core of their being, love dwells within them, around them, among them, love will sustain them in action and seeing. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: AQUINAS (Terry) Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 15/…
Hymn: How safe is that? God owns us and protects us
Hymn: How safe is that? God owns us and protects us
by Andrew Pratt
How safe is that? God owns us and protects us. While life is cruel this shepherd knows the flock. We could not gain or earn the love that holds us. The grace of God is solid, like a rock. We cannot wander where God's love is absent. The universe is furnished with God's care. When…
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 19 Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 19 Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 19 Jeremiah 4.11–28 1 Timothy 1.12–17 Luke 15.1–10 In a recent article, a priest from another tradition described the cheerful mixture of spiritualities which made up his regular personal prayer. It was a vivid and moving account of a busy man nourishing and cherishing a s…
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Day of Pentecost Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Day of Pentecost Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Day of Pentecost Acts 2.1–21 Romans 8.14–17 John 14.8–17 The Israelites had been aware of certain persons in their midst, unpredictable and untameable, in whom the Spirit of YHWH dwelt. They spoke his word, led his people, encouraged, rebuked, prayed for and agonized over Israel.…
Open with God Book - Care Homes for the Elderly
Open with God Book - Care Homes for the Elderly
by Christine Odell
CARE HOMES FOR THE ELDERLY Prayers for Various Occasions Reading Psalm 23 God, our loving Shepherd, wherever we go, you are there, whatever we experience, you are with us. We know that we can trust your promise that you will be with us until the end of time. We pray for the elder…
Poem: The Maker
Poem: The Maker
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The Maker Whether we make a painting, a pot, or a poem; a cake, a candle or a Christmas card; a song, a sketch, or a sandwich, we look at it through our own eyes – the eyes of the maker. Sometimes we are satisfied. Sometimes disappointed. Sometimes rather proud of ourselves…
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