Day of Pentecost Year C
Taken from Twelve Months of Sunday year c
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2.1–21
Romans 8.14–17
John 14.8–17
The Israelites had been aware of certain persons in their midst, unpredictable and untameable, in whom the Spirit of YHWH dwelt. They spoke his word, led his people, encouraged, rebuked, prayed for and agonized over Israel. They were a sign of God’s care and love for his wayward people. But several prophets recognized that this state of affairs could not be God’s final will for his people. Jeremiah declared that all God’s people would know him, from the least to the greatest. Isaiah threw open the blessings of the Davidic covenant to all who would seek the Lord. And Joel, quoted by Peter at Pentecost, declared that the Spirit of YHWH would be poured out upon people of all sorts. No longer a special elite: young and old, male and female, slave and free alike, all would be caught up by the rushing wind of the prophetic Spirit...