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Earthquake Hymn
Earthquake Hymn
by Andrew Pratt
EARTHQUAKE HYMN by Andrew Pratt Lyrics Only as Word Document - Click Here Extract: If God created all we see then ours is still a timeless cry; we cannot understand God's sense; we ask again the reason why. Was this prefigured by a cross, this site of human agony; the tumbled tim…
Hymn PowerPoint Template
Hymn PowerPoint Template
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
Use these slide templates for hymns text. TIP – Create a text box for verse One Use Arial Font either white or yellow. Add the text for all of verse one or part of if it is a long verse. Then click on Insert / duplicate slide and use the same text box for verse two or second part…
Just a Baby
Just a Baby
by Michael Docker
Just a baby born in a story, Only a sign to point to glory; We will tell the ancient mystery - Look and wonder and worship and praise. Like the shepherds called by an angel, Coming in fear and fascination, We will tell this humble history - Live by faith and by world-changing way…
A stranger who would be a friend to people
A stranger who would be a friend to people
by Andrew Pratt
First Sunday after Christmas Day Isaiah 63: 7 – 9 Hymn: A stranger who would be a friend to people A stranger who would be a friend to people, to hold and fold within the arms of love, a shaking, stirring, challenger of nations, yes, this is God, in whom we live and move.... An…
Education Sunday Hymn - At the learning curve