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First in our hearts
First in our hearts
by Michael Docker
First in our hearts, we would praise as the magi Praised as they saw all your glory around; First of the ones who are born into freedom, Through you we offer the love we have found. First of the days when the world found its freedom We come to worship on this day of all; First in…
Crowded table, urgent faces,
Crowded table, urgent faces,
by Andrew Pratt
Crowded table, urgent faces - Post Easter Communion Hymn Tune: All For Jesus Extract: Crowded table, urgent faces, people longing for the bread, bread of life and bread for living, bread for rising from the dead; Young and old, both men and women, those for whom this life is hard…
One each side, they hung discarded
One each side, they hung discarded
by Andrew Pratt
One each side, they hung discarded, human garbage left to rot. People jeering, heckling, teasing - just a side-show? awful plot? Soldiers hammered, people clamoured, flesh was torn and limbs were bent. ‘God forgive, O God forgive them’; Jesus’ words had clear intent. Verses 2-3 f…
Trampled road grit has no saviour
Trampled road grit has no saviour
by Andrew Pratt
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Year A Matthew 5: 13 – 20 Hymn: Trampled road grit has no savour Trampled road grit has no savour, good for stamping under foot; but to season gifts and graces needs the salt that's pure and good... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © Stainer & Bell Ltd…
TRINITY HYMN - We fathom mysteries, often fail