1 Plaintive is the song I sing,
woeful the lament I bring;
all my anguish I lay bare:
God, my Saviour, hear my prayer.
2 My pursuers take delight
in their malice and their spite.
They accuse me without cause‚
held as in a lion’s claws.
3 Try me, put me to the test:
If I ever have oppressed
those who taunt me and deride,
then they might be justified.
Verses 4-5 follow
7 7.7 7. Suggested tune: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
First published in Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (Grand Rapids, Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, Faith Alive
Christian Resources and Brazos Press, 2012)
Words: Norman J Goreham Copyright, ©, 2010, Norman J Goreham, admin by Faith Alive Christian Resources
For reprints, please use your CCLI licence, or contact the copyright holder for permission,