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The table's set, the room prepared
The table's set, the room prepared
by Andrew Pratt
The table's set, the room prepared, come close and gather round, for Jesus bids, 'remember me' and here God's grace is found. If Philip who would count the cost, when thousands sat for bread, could find a supper place with Christ, then we, too, can be fed. Verses 3-6 follow TUNE:
The Worlds no stage where we are acting
The Worlds no stage where we are acting
by Andrew Pratt
The world’s no stage where we are acting to show how good we think we are; this is no place to call attention, or seek acclaim from near or far. Our prayers are worthless, void and empty when uttered for the crowd’s applause, much more of worth are silent actions, compassion show
This day is a day of both prayer and of praising
This day is a day of both prayer and of praising
by Andrew Pratt
Second Sunday after Christmas year A Jeremiah 31: 7 – 14 Hymn: This day is a day of both prayer and of praising This day is a day of both prayer and of praising, of gath'ring the nations from east and from west, the people far south, from the north are arising, this day is the da
We play at church, one long charade
We play at church, one long charade
by Andrew Pratt
1 We play at church, one long charade, a trite religious game, and all the time the world goes by, Christ dies again in vain. 2 The down and out wish for our tithes, the homeless plead and pray, while we enact our sullen rite, our crass religious play. 3
What peace is there for tarnished lives
What peace is there for tarnished lives
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: What peace is there for tarnished lives Second Sunday of Easter - John 20: 19 – 31 What peace is there for tarnished lives, when love is challenged, hate survives? Remember in that Upper Room, Christ came and offered peace. What peace for Peter who denied his friend who hun
Safe as any child, God keeps us
Safe as any child, God keeps us
by Andrew Pratt
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Year A Hymn: Safe as any child, God keeps us – Based on Psalm 131 – also February 27 Safe as any child, God keeps us firmly held, secure and warm,. Calm and quiet each soul is rested, sure within the fiercest storm... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Word
Scattered sheep, you hear God's calling
Scattered sheep, you hear God's calling
by Andrew Pratt
Scattered sheep, you hear God’s calling, people driven far from home; sometimes those you trust deceive you. God is watching, do not roam. Verses 2-3 follow Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 22/8/2010 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, Please include any re
Searching seeking people clamoured
Searching seeking people clamoured
by Andrew Pratt
Second Sunday of Advent Year A Matthew 3: 1 – 12Hymn: Searching, seeking, people clamoured, Searching, seeking, people clamoured, heard the noise and saw the crowd. Saw the baptist by the river, calling clear and calling loud. First attracted, then confounded... Andrew Pratt (b
Shattered people round a table
Shattered people round a table
by Andrew Pratt
Shattered people round a table, reaching out and taking bread, thinking thoughts that they’ll remember, some things thought, but left unsaid. Wine they drank was meant for sharing, Jesus spoke of his own blood, bread was broken, like his body. Could they fathom where he stood? Ve
Sometimes our grasp of life is frail
Sometimes our grasp of life is frail
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Sometimes our grasp of life is frail Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 119: 105-112 Sometimes our grasp of life is frail, yet through it all love will prevail. We feel that every step is cursed, believing things can not get worse. In spite of all, we keep our faith, hel
Stirring, dancing, flaming Spirit
Stirring, dancing, flaming Spirit
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Stirring, dancing, flaming Spirit Acts 2: 1 – 21 Stirring, dancing, flaming Spirit, ground of being, source of light; breathing at the world's creation, shining words through human night. Lives that once had been forsaken, shells of people, lost bereft, find the Spirit's re
Stoned Stephen: martyr for the cross
Stoned Stephen: martyr for the cross
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Stoned Stephen: martyr for the cross Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A Acts 7: 55 – 60 Stoned Stephen: martyr for the cross, a witness to the grace of Christ; the love of God, the Spirit’s power; at one in Christian sacrifice. He spoke of love, and lived the life of one who cha
Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption
Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption Fourth Sunday in Lent John 9. 1-41 Tangled in prejudice, lost in presumption, locked in our judgments, so sure of our ground; others are sinful, but we are the righteous, this is the truth we are sure we have found. This is our blin
Thank God for those who pray for us