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In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: In the temple, place of peace (version 2) Mothering Sunday Luke 2:22-40 In the temple, place of peace, Mary, Joseph, stand in awe; Anna comes with songs of joy, Simeon sings, yet knows the score. Bitter sweet this time of hope, winter passes Lent awaits; let us pause, refle
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
by Andrew Pratt
In the temple, place of peace, Mary, Joseph, stand in awe; Anna comes with songs of joy, Simeon sings, yet knows the score. Bitter sweet this time of hope, winter passes Lent awaits; let us pause, reflect awhile: joy of birth or cross of hate? Verses 3-5 follow Tune: LAUDS (Wilso
It seemed beneath his dignity
It seemed beneath his dignity
by Andrew Pratt
It seemed beneath his dignity: strange healing offered by this seer, the Jordan river for a bath? The plan seemed neither sane nor clear. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: BRESLAU LM Subscribers who are logged in can view the full document by running your mouse over the PDF image. Andr
It seems preposterous arrogance
It seems preposterous arrogance
by Andrew Pratt
It seems preposterous arrogance, that God should choose a man, to signal to the Gentile world, the focus of a plan. Yet this is what St Paul had felt, that he had one clear role to share the love of Christ, the grace of God, from pole to pole. Verse 3-5 follow Tune: GERONTIUS A
Jerusalem rejoice and sing
Jerusalem rejoice and sing
by Andrew Pratt
Jerusalem rejoice and sing as new things come to pass; a revelation is revealed, that love will live and last. Beyond a detrimental end, beyond the cross and tomb, the Christ was raised, would live again beyond the dark and gloom. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: AMAZING GRACE Metre: CM
Let peace and kisses crown your brow
Let peace and kisses crown your brow
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Let peace and kisses crown your brow Trinity Sunday Year A 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 Let peace and kisses crown your brow and love surround your life. Let everyone be reconciled and put an end to strife. Build up each other in the faith and let your joy be one.. Tune: LUCIUS
Let's make the good news clear
Let's make the good news clear
by Andrew Pratt
Let's make the good news clear, and holding nothing back, proclaim God's love without reserve in thought and word and act. Then all will be unveiled, and when they know that grace, the people who have felt that word will know love face to face. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: FRANCONIA
No magic, but a simple need
No magic, but a simple need
by Andrew Pratt
No magic, but a simple need was met when Jesus joined a feast, a wedding was well underway until the wine ran low, then ceased. While Jesus never looked for fame his mother called him to her side to ask that he would help them out, assuming grace would now provide. He wasn't such
Once born as the Christ-child, and living among us
Once born as the Christ-child, and living among us
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Once born as the Christ-child, and living among us Third Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 17 - 23 Once born as the Christ-child, and living among us, at one with humanity, sharing our pain. betrayed in self-giving, poured out for our living, in thought word and action, God making l
Once a prophet pictured Israel
Once a prophet pictured Israel
by Andrew Pratt
Once a prophet pictured Israel Once a prophet pictured Israel, like a vineyard, overgrown, no more fruitful, judged and broken, left to ruin, overthrown. In the tone hear disappointment in the prophet’s call and cry, seeing bloodshed wound his nation, justice now a living lie. Ve
Over mountains, through the valleys
Over mountains, through the valleys
by Andrew Pratt
Over mountains, through the valleys let the voice of God be heard, singing, crying in a language often vivid or absurd. God translate your message for us, so that we might understand all your heights of grace and glory, as we worship hand in hand. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: CROSS OF
Times and Seasons - A century passes, memories will fade
Times and Seasons - A century passes, memories will fade
by Andrew Pratt
A century passes, memories will fade; war’s sun goes down, sharp pain is hid in shade. Yet still we pray for peace, as those men prayed; we will remember them. [we will remember, we will remember.] Ten times ten thousand fell amid that rage. What is the gain we measure from that
Are we naked stark and child like
Are we naked stark and child like
by Andrew Pratt
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Year A 1 Corinthians 3: 1 - 9 Hymn: Are we naked, stark and child-like Are we naked, stark and child-like, needing milk, while seeking meat, young disciples lacking knowledge, not yet weaned, not yet complete... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © Stain
As boats can carve a way through waves