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Churning waves unsettled Peter
Churning waves unsettled Peter
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Churning waves unsettled Peter Proper 14 year A Matthew 14: 22 - 33 Churning waves unsettled Peter, startled, he was sinking fast, he'd been walking on the water, seemed this moment could not last. Jesus reached a hand to save him, lifted him above the swell. Fainting faith
Flawed and fickle priests and people
Flawed and fickle priests and people
by Andrew Pratt
Flawed and fickle priests and people - hymn Third Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30 Flawed and fickle priests and people, like young children playing games, running, squabbling, teasing, laughing, calling one another names. But the children's understanding Jesus t
God makes a mockery of death
God makes a mockery of death
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: God makes a mockery of death Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3: 13 – 22 God makes a mockery of death, the Spirit is consistent, an Advocate will keep our part, in this Christ is insistent. We are not orphans, will not be beyond God's loving Spirit. And all that Christ has be
God looks beyond our sad facade
God looks beyond our sad facade
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn - God looks beyond our sad facade The call of David Fourth Sunday in Lent 1 Samuel 16: 1 – 13 God looks beyond our sad facade, God sees within each heart; our human judgments pale before the brightness of God's art. The ones that we would wish to choose, to elevate and prais
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams
by Andrew Pratt
God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams Fifth Sunday in Lent Ezekiel 37: 1-14 God shakes and rattles hopes and dreams, confounds our plans, destroys our schemes; the bones of faith seem dry and bare, and is God found? And is God there? The desert scene is hot and still, our deser
He taught in puns and riddles
He taught in puns and riddles
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: He taught in puns and riddles Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A John 10: 1-10 He taught in puns and riddles, in pictures wrung from words, of gates and fields and shepherds, of fish and flowers and herds. These parables are potent, ingrained with hope and grace, infused with l
Help us trace your rainbow colours
Help us trace your rainbow colours
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Help us trace your rainbow colours Proper 19 Year A Romans 14: 1-12 Help us trace your rainbow colours through these days of change and choice, holding firmly to your promise: all the world can praise, rejoice. In a world of contradictions let your justice change our ways,
Hidden, yet hurting, while needing the comfort
Hidden, yet hurting, while needing the comfort
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn for World Aids Day Hidden, yet hurting, while needing the comfort, needing the love of our family and friends. Dare we admit to this random infection, living with fear that it seems never ends? Here in the church is there safety and welcome, room to be honest and never conde
HYMN - Our God will never lose the love
HYMN - Our God will never lose the love
by Andrew Pratt
HYMN - Our God will never lose the love – Theme covers: Easter, resurrection, Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, bereavement, Romans 8, Psalms 121 TUNE: ALSTONE Also available in PowerPoint Format - Click Here Extract: Our God will never lose the love, the sense of human need and pain. O
HYMN - I love my God with all my heart
HYMN - I love my God with all my heart
by Andrew Pratt
HYMN - I love my God with all my heart - Theme Covered: Easter, resurrection, Mary Magdalene, conversion, commitment TUNE: HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING METER: Also available in PowerPoint Format - Click Here Extract: I love my God with all my heart, I thank God that I'm li
HYMN - Little encounters, eternal significance,
HYMN - Little encounters, eternal significance,
by Andrew Pratt
A Pentecost hymn which explores the out working of the spirit in mission and which can have wider use. Tune: Epiphany Hymn Themes: Mission, Emerging Church, Fresh Expressions Extract: Little encounters, eternal significance, places for contact and moments of grace. Each time of
Hymn - So stunned by what she heard then saw
Hymn - So stunned by what she heard then saw
by Andrew Pratt
So stunned by what she heard then saw, a voice was calling out her name, and turning she was shocked by joy for Jesus walked into the frame. Not long before she’d watched him die, the victim of a murderous act, she saw him lose his grasp on life, a witness to this dying fact. Ver
Hymn: In many ways we designate
Hymn: In many ways we designate
by Andrew Pratt
In many ways we designate the boundaries of faith and by unconscious bigotry condemn the human race. Our human rules constrain the grace, the love that God can give, as though we have authority to judge or to forgive. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: CLAUDIUS Metre: DCM Andrew Pratt (bo
Hymn: Hypocrisy destroys our best intentions