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Hymn: No royal robes, but donkey riding
Hymn: No royal robes, but donkey riding
by Andrew Pratt
No royal robes, but donkey riding, the Christ, our King, had come to town, Jerusalem came out to meet him. Would gold or thorns compose a crown? The people spread their palms before him, they wondered what this day would bring: as Jesus, humble, riding quietly brought contrast to
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
Hymn: Love is the focus to those who are loving
by Andrew Pratt
Love is the focus to those who are loving, love is the centre, the core of their being, love dwells within them, around them, among them, love will sustain them in action and seeing. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: AQUINAS (Terry) Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 15/
Hymn: Sometimes the Bible seems unreal
Hymn: Sometimes the Bible seems unreal
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes the Bible seems unreal, its people like a saintly race, they speak with such integrity as those immersed in Godly grace. And how can we, within our time, aspire to such a perfect goal of innocence and purity, when needing love to make us whole? Verses 3-4 follow Tune: B
Hymn: The narrative of Godly love
Hymn: The narrative of Godly love
by Andrew Pratt
The narrative of Godly loveresists attempts to test or prove and yet exceeds our wildest dreams, while we put trust in human schemes. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: GONFANLON ROYAL Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 8/10/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England,
Hymn: Upon this groaning, quaking earth
Hymn: Upon this groaning, quaking earth
by Andrew Pratt
Upon this groaning, quaking earth we find the evidence of grace, for here, our God, you nurtured love, brought faith and hope within this place. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ABENDS Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 5/5/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.c
Hymn: Only with God will the building, the loving
Hymn: Only with God will the building, the loving
by Andrew Pratt
Only with God will the building, the loving, praying and praising bear fruit, or make sense. When we align with divine revelation heaven draws near and love has no pretence. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STEWARDSHIP Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 19/10/2012 Stain
Hymn: Our problem God: your enigmatic presence
Hymn: Our problem God: your enigmatic presence
by Andrew Pratt
Our problem God: your enigmatic presence, will challenge who we are and seek to be, you call us through the mists of exploration to follow paths that guide, yet set us free. We seek a deeper focus for our being, while feeling weakness when we should be strong. Great God within ou
I have a dream that on a day
I have a dream that on a day
by Andrew Pratt
I have a dream that on a day not very long from now, that war-like weapons will be banned, by grace, God show us how. I have a dream that love will hear another's crying need, that justice will demand we act in spite of race or creed. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: KINGSFOLD Andrew Pr
In pious tones we worship God
In pious tones we worship God
by Andrew Pratt
In pious tones we worship God, with cheerful songs of praise, while all that God has sought of us is justice all our days. We sing our hymns and pray our prayers oblivious to need, while near our doors the poor will die. Ours is a hollow creed. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: WILTSHIRE M
LENT MEDITATION 3 Ah! Lord, with trembling I confess
LENT MEDITATION 3 Ah! Lord, with trembling I confess
by Andrew Pratt
LENT HYMN MEDITATION 3 - Based on the Hymn 'Ah! Lord, with trembling I confess' by Charles Wesley. From the book 'Inextinguishable Blaze' also by Andrew Pratt - Click Here Extract: Anyone who has lived in a close relationship with another person for a long time will know that 'th
Joseph wept, his brothers found him
Joseph wept, his brothers found him
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Joseph wept, his brothers found him Proper 15 year A Genesis 45: 1 – 15 Joseph wept, his brothers found him, found the one that they had sold, stunning grace would now confound them, family bonds would last and hold. Famine brought them to his table, desperation drove them
Joy will sing throughout creation
Joy will sing throughout creation
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Joy will sing throughout creation Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 55: 10-13 Joy will sing throughout creation, laughter fill the hills and vales; snow and rain, sun's elevation, signs that God's love still prevails. Seed for sower, bread for feasting, fruit that blos
Linguistic Gymnastics
Linguistic Gymnastics
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Linguistic gymnastics Day of Pentecost Year A Acts 2: 1 – 21 Linguistic gymnastics, they heard in each tongue the message of Jesus, the Spirit had come! This message was spoken, still here in our sight God's essence is living, we live in the light. God's Word is dynamic, th
Like a trace of mist at morning
Like a trace of mist at morning
by Andrew Pratt
Like a trace of mist at morning, golden in the rising sun, grace remains beyond the dawning of the grief that has begun. See Elisha followed after old Elijah, near to death; holding onto something special: gracious spirit, near as breath. Verses 3-4 folllow Tune: ST OSWALD; WRAYS
May God bless and shine upon us
May God bless and shine upon us
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: May God bless and shine upon us Proper 15 year A Psalm 67 May God bless and shine upon us all the riches his grace, may the earth, may every nation know the love in Jesus' face. Let the people offer praises, all who know God's saving power, those of this and every nation, t
Making much of clever counsel
Making much of clever counsel
by Andrew Pratt
Making much of clever counsel lawyers sought to trip and flaw. Jesus answered with God’s wisdom, offered grace to cut through law. God of Jesus, God of Moses, God of Hannah and of Ruth; God of Dorcas, God of Peter, help us understand your truth. Verse 3-4 follow Tune: ALL FOR JES
Look around: so many places