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Now take away the stone, he is not dead
Now take away the stone, he is not dead
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: 'Now take away the stone, he is not dead', Fifth Sunday in Lent John 11: 1 - 45 'Now take away the stone, he is not dead', the people looked amazed, yet some with dread. For Lazarus was buried four long days, the stench said this was more than just a phase. Yes dead is dead
Now, in the garden, secretly
Now, in the garden, secretly
by Andrew Pratt
Now, in the garden, secretly a man and woman met. Outside a still and empty tomb she wished she could forget. Her mind still held the vivid sight: his body scarred and torn, and nothing here could dry her tears beneath this teasing dawn. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: GERONTIUS Metre:
Now is the time to reassess
Now is the time to reassess
by Andrew Pratt
Now is the time to reassess our place within God's grace, a time for calm, reflective prayer, to meet God face to face. Now is the time for honesty for God is by our side; each action seen and understood, no way that we can hide. Verses 3-4 follow Metre: CM Tune: FINGAL Andrew
Once, like a mighty rushing wind
Once, like a mighty rushing wind
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Once, like a mighty rushing wind Acts 2: 1 – 21 Once, like a mighty rushing wind, the Holy Spirit came. From Pentecost, the world they knew could never be the same. The Christ that they had loved and known, the one who hung and died, was in their living, laughter, joy; and
Times and Seasons - Once crimson poppies bloomed
Times and Seasons - Once crimson poppies bloomed
by Andrew Pratt
Once crimson poppies bloomed out in a foreign field, each memory reminds where brutal death was sealed. The crimson petals flutter down, still hatred forms a thorny crown. For in this present time we wait in vain for peace, each generation cries, each longing for release, while w
One after another we wait on the warnings
One after another we wait on the warnings
by Andrew Pratt
One after another we wait on the warnings One after another we wait on the warnings, one after another the prophets cry out; our ears are unhearing we go on regardless ignoring the pleadings while feigning our doubt. The story is old as the faith that we follow, through each gene
PENTECOST HYMN - The backwash of rumour unsettles the faithful,
PENTECOST HYMN - The backwash of rumour unsettles the faithful,
by Andrew Pratt
Pentecost hymn that moves from the disciples behind closed doors to a challenge to us to ....go out in the power of that spirit to live lives like Jesus, to cheer and restore the ones who are broken, derided, forsaken, [knowing that]...the future is sure. Tune: Streets of Laredo
Perpetual fashion, flowery prayers
Perpetual fashion, flowery prayers
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Perpetual fashion, flowery prayers Proper 26 Year A Matthew 23:1-12 Perpetual fashion, flowery prayers, a show to make you blink, the Scribes and Pharisees sought praise, and that should make us think. Hypocrisy had been condemned, Christ saw another way, of humble service,
Persisent in witness and certain in call
Persisent in witness and certain in call
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Persistent in witness and certain in call Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A Acts 2: 42 – 47 Persistent in witness and certain in call, big Peter is singing and telling them all: the way of God’s love had reached way beyond death, so now through the Spirit they sing with God’s
Plan for the future by living today
Plan for the future by living today
by Andrew Pratt
Plan for the future by living today, hold fast to hope, it’s not going away, don’t be distracted by prophets of doom, hold to God’s grace, let the bud of love bloom. Glory and praise, praise to our God, praise to our God, praise to our God. All that we value and all we have known
Quarrelsome people
Quarrelsome people
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Exodus 17: 1 – 7 Hymn: Quarrelsome people Quarrelsome people, out in the desert, thirsty for water, longing for home, ‘Why did you bring us’, they moan at Moses, ‘why make us hungry, why make us roam?’ They would have stoned him in their frustration... Andre
Prophets challenge words and actions
Prophets challenge words and actions
by Andrew Pratt
Prophets challenge words and actions, things we do and things say, lift the veil and prompt the conscience, show our deeds the light of day. Verses 2-3 follow Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 19/1/2014 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, Please include any re
The last word goes to God, and God
The last word goes to God, and God
by Andrew Pratt
The last word goes to God, and God is judge of all the earth, and yet in Christ there’s hope for all who share a human birth. This is no magic but a sign, for Christ who hung and died, was led to death because he loved, this could not be denied. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: MENDIP; LU
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
by Andrew Pratt
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging to sign God's love amid the sons of men, then, with the women, everyone is singing that God will never turn away again. Yet Amos blew the whistle on God's people, a prophet in a time of greed and need, self-righteousness as high as any
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated
by Andrew Pratt
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated yet Anna and Simeon saw what was true: persistence rewarded, their waiting accomplished, their journey of faithfulness starting anew. Verse 2 follows Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 30/1/2014 Stainer & Bell Ltd,
This day we remember the passage to freedom
This day we remember the passage to freedom
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: This day we remember the passage to freedom Proper 18 Year A Exodus 12: 1 – 14 This day we remember the passage to freedom, the Exodus journey, redemption at hand the Passover meal we recall at this season, the sign of God's faithfulness brought to the land. This day we rem
This is the only earth we know