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Call to Worship
Call to Worship
by Jane Bingham
A call to worship for any occasion- Read each line in turn – various people from their seats Call to Worship Come Come to this place and be still Come with an open mind and giving heart Come to give thanks Come ready to share Come to experience the presence of God Come just as yo
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - How to Increase the Odds against Yourself
Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - How to Increase the Odds against Yourself
by SPCK - John Goldingay
How to Increase the Odds against Yourself JUDGES 7: 1-25 Two weeks ago a man tried to blow up a plane going from Amsterdam to Detroit, and one week ago when I came back from London to Los Angeles after Christmas, it took two hours to board the plane rather than the usual half hou
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - The Praise of God, the Eternal Creator, Is Finished and Completed
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - The Praise of God, the Eternal Creator, Is Finished and Completed
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Praise of God, the Eternal Creator, Is Finished and Completed Psalm 150 The heading I have given for this final psalm is the rabbis’ footnote to the Hebrew text of the Psalms. We have come a long way from Psalm 1, where we began with an exhortation to pay heed to Yahweh’s Tea
Chasing your Passion
Chasing your Passion
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 270 – Chasing your Passion It's always good to travel over to Geneva to see my family members over there, and even more special now we have a grandson, Matthew who is nearly 5 months old. Although our son works in Geneva, his family live just over the border i
Job for Everyone - Can a Mortal Be in the Right in God's Eyes?
Job for Everyone - Can a Mortal Be in the Right in God's Eyes?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Can a Mortal Be in the Right in God’s Eyes? Job 4: 1-21 In the heyday of the charismatic movement in Britain, like many people I used to receive short messages from God from time to time for passing on to other people, and sometimes I used to be given such messages by other peopl
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - The Distressing Dynamics of Wisdom and Power
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - The Distressing Dynamics of Wisdom and Power
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Distressing Dynamics of Wisdom and Power Several days a week I find myself reporting to my wife something from the news with the explicit or implicit comment, “How can people be so stupid?” This week it’s the fact that Western forces in Afghanistan had burned some copies of t
The Second Intercessions Handbook - (38) HARVEST
The Second Intercessions Handbook - (38) HARVEST
by SPCK - John Pritchard
Harvest presents particular problems and opportunities. The traditional harvest festival locks into our rural nostalgia but may leave us feeling strangely disconnected from everyday concerns rather than fundamentally integrated into earthy realities, as it would have done in prev
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Who is the Greatest?
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Who is the Greatest?
by BRF - Dick France
Who is the Greatest? Lines of authority In a newly formed group of colleagues with an important task, it is natural to want to clarify the lines of authority. So far, of course, Jesus has been the focal authority of the group, but if they are going to lose him it will surely be v
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Looking Forward to the Future