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Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions – Christmas 1 – Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions – Christmas 1 – Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Intercessions – Christmas 1 – Year B Glory to God in the highest And peace to his people on earth. All creation sings your praises, O Lord. As your children, heirs of your grace, we kneel in adoration before you . . . Bless your Church as we seek to share all that we have receive…
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 4 - Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 4 - Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Intercessions - Advent 4 - Year B Proclaim the greatness of the Lord Rejoice in God our Saviour. God Most High, you overshadow us with the power of your Holy Spirit. Bring to birth the promise of your hope in lives of holiness and grace . . . Give to your Church courage to be ser…
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 2 - Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 2 - Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Intercessions - Advent 2 - Year B God is gracious Your salvation is near. Lord, you make a road through the wilderness and desolate places to meet us. Turn our rebellious hearts to embrace the promise of your redemption . . . Give grace to your Church to prepare your people in ho…
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 1 - Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Intercessions - Advent 1 - Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Intercessions - Advent 1 - Year B Tear open the heavens and come down, O Lord Make known your name. Lord Christ, we look to your coming again. Come among us with mercy and judgement. When you come may we be found prepared and ready to greet you with faith and hope . . . Set the h…
Prayer: You are our fortress