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Mark The People's Bible Commentary - Mark's gospel A Drama in Three Acts
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - Mark's gospel A Drama in Three Acts
by BRF - Dick France
MARK’S GOSPEL- A DRAMA in THREE ACTS After a prologue which sets the scene, Mark’s story unfolds in three main sections, each of which has a distinct geographical setting: 1:1–13 Prologue (set in ‘the wilderness’) 1:14—8:21 Act 1: Galilee 8:22—10:52 …
Brompton Bible stories: Holy Week and Easter
Brompton Bible stories: Holy Week and Easter
by Rachel Parkinson
Powerpoint presentation consisting of 9 slides illustrating key scenes from the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, created using Playmobil and other media. Appealing to all ages, these have proven to inspire children to create their own bible stories in play. Scenes include the t…
Overview of Holy week (Family Worship)
Overview of Holy week (Family Worship)
by Colin Smith
This is a complete service (c700 words) which outlines the events of Holy Week. It is written in simple language and suggests hymns and songs appropriate and for all ages. The significance of each event is also indicated. It could be used any day during Holy Week, but has been su…
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Towards Easter
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Towards Easter
by BRF - Rona Orme
Sharing the account of what happened to Jesus, from his pro- cession into Jerusalem, through his last meal with his disciples and his crucifixion and on to his resurrection, in one session helps everyone to understand the sweep of events. Each part of the story is significant and…
Bread of Life
Bread of Life
by Rachel Marsh
Last supper TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing …
Poem: We were ashamed
Poem: We were ashamed
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: We were ashamed We were ashamed. We’d been caught out. We thought he hadn’t heard us. We wouldn’t have been talking about it if we’d known. We were ashamed. Boasting about our own achievements. Scoring points over each other. Even though we knew none of us could better him.…