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Celtic Christian Spirituality - 8 Soul Friends (Chapter 5)
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 8 Soul Friends (Chapter 5)
by Skylight- Mary C.Earle
Soul Friends The Celtic Christians were clear that walking a path of faith is well nigh impossible without a true friend and companion. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells the disciples, “You are my friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:14). He has just commanded them to …
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
by Tim Pillinger
Based on the text of "Epistles to the Apostle" in which Colin Morris extrapolates letters Paul might have recieved from the responses he gives. In this case, this man is part of his warning against idleness, and thinking he knows when Jesus will return. This is our Thessalonian's…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:111-112
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:111-112
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119:111-112 There’s a joyless religion that should be avoided like the plague. There’s a certain personality that obsesses with detail; it becomes preoccupied with rules and ritual; it prefers the letter of the law to the spirit of the law. Jesus clashed with this sort of p…
Puppets for Jesus - A letter from Paul
Puppets for Jesus - A letter from Paul
by Puppets for Jesus
A Letter from Paul Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians This sketch was written to illustrate the cost and time involved in sending a letter. Puppets: 3 Biblemen, (Paul, Sosthenes & Timothy), Girl (Rachel), Donkey (Sosthenes is very effective if used with puppet hand gloves, holding a …
Drama - Resolution
Drama - Resolution
by Kit Walkham
Looks at how the early Church resolved the questions raised by the conversion of Gentiles at Antioch. Illustrates a positive outcome to a deeply felt dispute through listening, prayer and a focus on mission. Cast - 2 male, 2 female. Staging requires the 2 couples to be in differe…
Lectionary lessons - Love Is...
Lectionary lessons - Love Is...
by Jesus Without Language
This January JWL is welcoming your kids into the Church as we explore our place in it. We will learn that we are adopted into the family, welcomed with the Holy Spirit, empowered by it's gifts, given a role to play and equipped with the most powerful thing on earth - Love! As …
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
by Tim Pillinger
Based on the text of "Epistles to the Apostle" in which Colin Morris extrapolates letters Paul might have recieved from the responses he gives. In this case, this man is part of his warning against idleness, and thinking he knows when Jesus will return. This is our Thessalonian's…
by SPCK - N T Wright
Part 1: PAUL AND HIS WORLD Chapter One RETURN OF THE RUNAWAY? 1. A World of Difference Roughly seventy years after the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, a Roman senator, mindful of his own importance and seniority, wrote to a friend about a third man, a social inferior…
the historical character of Jesus - 5c Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest”
the historical character of Jesus - 5c Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest”
by SPCK - David Allen
Identity: Jesus – the human “high priest” It remains the case, though, that Jesus’ humanity is fundamental to the epistle’s message and intrinsic to the efficacy of his high-priestly activity. Indeed, one might argue that, of all the canonical nonevangelical testimony (and maybe …
the historical character of Jesus - 5 “The sacrificial high priest”: Jesus in Hebrews
the historical character of Jesus - 5 “The sacrificial high priest”: Jesus in Hebrews
by SPCK - David Allen
“The sacrificial high priest”: Jesus in Hebrews In many ways, the ambience or ‘feel’ of Hebrews is fundamentally different from that of the rest of the NT, making it ‘almost certainly the most mysterious text to have been preserved in the NT canon’.1 Its focus on sacrifice, new c…
the historical character of Jesus - 7 “The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and 2 Peter and Jude
the historical character of Jesus - 7 “The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and 2 Peter and Jude
by SPCK - David Allen
“The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and2 Peter and Jude If Hebrews and James offer different and distinctive portraits of Jesus when compared with that of Paul, can the same be said of the two Petrine epistles and the letter authored by Jude? How does the Petrine Jesus compare to t…
Great Christian Thinkers - 1 St Clement, Bishop of Rome
Great Christian Thinkers - 1 St Clement, Bishop of Rome
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St Clement, Bishop of Rome After the first witnesses of the Christian faith, mentioned in the New Testament writings, we find the Apostolic Fathers, that is, to the first and second generations in the Church subsequent to the Apostles. And thus, we can see where the Church’s jour…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) Acts 1.15-17, 21-26 1 John 5.9-13 John 17.6-19 The interesting thing about the choice of Matthias has nothing to do with Matthias himself. Nor is it the striking method of his selection, which if applied today would simpli…
Journeying With Mark Year B - Epiphany