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Simply Good News - Good News - For the World?
Simply Good News - Good News - For the World?
by SPCK - N T Wright
Good News – for the World? If the good news really is what it says, there is all the room in the world for delighted celebration of the gospel in the life of every child, woman, and man. To miss this element – to think of Christianity without this deeply personal aspect – is like…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 53:1, 3
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 53:1, 3
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 53:1, 3 The Bible offers no arguments for the existence of God. It doesn’t engage with the intellectual case for or against. It simply assumes God. It makes me think that the person this psalm has in mind is not the atheist or agnostic who wrestles with questions of faith b…
Hymn: When Jesus walked in Galilee
Hymn: When Jesus walked in Galilee
by Michael Docker
When Jesus walked in Galilee The people gathered round To hear him speak of God's own love And marvel at the sound; And marvel at the sound of God Like music all around; When Jesus walked in Galilee The people gathered round When Jesus died on Calvary His followers ran away; The …
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 8 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 8 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 8 Wisdom of Solomon 1-13-15; 2: 23, 24 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5: 21-43 ‘Do not fear, only believe,’ Jesus says to Jairus. It’s easier said than done, of course, with his daughter dead and the house full of the sound of wailing mourners. It’s also quite ironic, in that i…
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Second Sunday of Advent Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Second Sunday of Advent Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Gazing on the Gospel - Year B The Second Sunday of Advent Mark 1.1-8 Gaze on the people coming out to John in the wilderness. The parents are dragging along the children by their hand, and the old people are hobbling along trying to catch up. They know it won’t be easy to reach t…
Mark for Everyone - The Rich Young Ruler
Mark for Everyone - The Rich Young Ruler
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 10.17–31 The Rich Young Ruler... ...When I was a boy, grown-ups used to divide their history into two periods: Before the War, and After the War (or Since the War). The Second World War had torn a hole in their world. Everything was different now: a differe…
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Knowing the Power of The King
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Knowing the Power of The King
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 2 PRAYERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS OF PAUL KNOWING THE POWER OF THE KING Ephesians 1: 16-19 ‘So how strong is it?’ My friend was showing me his new telescope. It was set up in an upstairs room, looking out towards sea...
There is a season - ALL SAINTS' DAY LITURGY
There is a season - ALL SAINTS' DAY LITURGY
by SPCK - Margaret Pritchard Houston
ALL SAINTS/ALL SOULS Come, rejoice with us! As we gather, we write or draw, on the heart paper, the names of people we love who have died, and place the paper in the basket. We will include these names in our worship...
Ascension Day
Ascension Day
by liane Kensett
A short video that highlights the mystery of Easter. The lighting of the Christ candle represents that God raised Jesus. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Jesus is alive. Extinguishing the candle signifies the darkness of Christ's death and the mystery of Easter as Jesus goes awa…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 34 Resurrection and Ethics
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection and Ethics In each of the four previous essays Paul placed his theological teachings in the centre of the essay and positioned the ethical problem under discussion on the outside, around that centre. For example, in the first essay the ethical problem was the Corinth…
A Dead Sect
A Dead Sect
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 266 – A Dead Sect? John Wesley famously said, ‘I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist… But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 7 Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 7 Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Twelve Months of Sundays – Year A Ordinary Time Proper 7 Genesis 21.8–21 Romans 6.1b–11 Matthew 10.24–39 The prince of peace comes with a sword. To that theological oxymoron we must add the sad, and still tragic, story of Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael. Go down into the Genesis story…
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Glossary
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Glossary
by SPCK - N T Wright
GLOSSARY Acts for Everyone Part 2 age to come, see present age apostle, disciple, the Twelve ‘Apostle’ means ‘one who is sent’. It could be used of an ambassador or official delegate. In the New Testament it is sometimes used specifically of Jesus’ inner circle of twelve; but Pau…
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Third Sunday of Easter Year B