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glimpses of glory - Proper 4 - Year C
glimpses of glory - Proper 4 - Year C
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 4 Lord of majesty and splendor, the King of all creation, from you comes all wholeness, peace and well-being. We come with our needs and in our brokenness, seeking your help and knowing that you alone can make us whole. Come, Lord, and renew us; through Jesus Christ our Lo
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Epiphany Year B Opening prayer You speak to us in many ways: in the quiet of our worship, the singing of our hymns, the reading of your word, the fellowship we share. Open our ears and hearts that we might hear your gentle voice and, hearing, respond…
Great Christian Thinkers - 58 St. Dominic De Guzman
Great Christian Thinkers - 58 St. Dominic De Guzman
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Dominic De Guzman Having presented the luminous figure of Francis of Assisi and also Clare of Assisi, I talk now about another saint of the same period who made a fundamental contribution to the renewal of the Church of his time: St. Dominic, the Founder of the Order of Preac
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 19 Christian and Pagan
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 19 Christian and Pagan
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian and Pagan 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Paul’s third essay covers 8:1–11:1. Its outline is as follows: 3.1. Food Offered to Idols: Freedom and Responsibility (8:1-13) 3.2. Paul’s Personal Freedom and Responsibility (9:1-18) 3.3. Freedom in Mission: Full Identification (9:19-27)
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 20 The impact of senior leadership on entrepreneurship in the local church
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 20 The impact of senior leadership on entrepreneurship in the local church
by SPCK - Michael Volland
The impact of senior leadership on entrepreneurship in the local church All of my respondents were ordained Anglicans working as parish priests. When I asked them to reflect on the extent to which entrepreneurship at local church level was affected by either the presence or the l
by BRF - Dick France
‘UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!’ MARK 1: 40-45 The man’s complaint may not have been full-scale ‘leprosy’ as we use the word, but it would be an unpleasant skin-disease which was regarded as infectious, and therefore made the sufferer ‘unclean’…
Great Christian Thinkers - 43 Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Great Christian Thinkers - 43 Sts. Cyril and Methodius
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers by blood and in the faith, the so-called Apostles to the Slavs. Cyril was born in Thessalonica to Leo, an imperial magistrate, in 826 or 827. He was the youngest of seven. As a child, he learned the Slavonic langua
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - SENT OUT in the SPIRIT
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - SENT OUT in the SPIRIT
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
SENT OUT in the SPIRIT Mary saw some angel-messengers at the tomb, but through meeting the risen Jesus she became a ‘messenger’ herself. The same happens now to the disciples in a climactic scene which draws threads together from throughout the gospel. In the Farewell Discourses,
Online Mission and Ministry - Looking after yourself and your team
Online Mission and Ministry - Looking after yourself and your team
by SPCK - Pam Smith
Looking after yourself and your team Why is it that so many movements and organisations spring up within the Church and within society form a noble and generous purpose, attract intelligent and conscientious people, flourish briefly, then become so preoccupied with questions of i
Online Mission and Ministry - Where do I start?