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God of our sunrise and light of the morning
God of our sunrise and light of the morning
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – God of our sunrise and light of the morning God of our sunrise and light of the morning, dawn on our worship, renew us today. Come by your Spirit and fill with your passion, set us on fire with the Gospel we pray. We are your people, the Church you have chosen. We are a gi
Poem: New things
Poem: New things
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: New things When there are far more days behind us than there can possibly be in front of us, there is a tendency to want to look back to the safety of the known and to leave the unknown future as a mystery. God’s pilgrim people have often faltered as they faced the challeng
Walking Below The Tideline
Walking Below The Tideline
by Andy Lindley
A meditation, formed while walking on the beach in Whitby, but reflecting on life as a Christian. Brought to mind again recently while visiting Antony Gormley's another place, and seeing this couple emulating the metal figurines, staring into the sea from the shore.
How long, O Lord, until you hear
How long, O Lord, until you hear
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – How long, 0 Lord, until you hear How long, 0 Lord, until you hear the Church’s cry of pain? Our voices fail, our strength grows weak are all our dreams in vain? Yet still we search for shafts of hope for rumours of new birth, we strain for heaven’s answer to our anguish he
Arthur's Call - Loving and letting go
Arthur's Call - Loving and letting go
by SPCK - Frances Young
6 Loving and letting go At Faith and Light’s twentieth-anniversary celebration in Russia (see Chapter 3) I was asked to meet with parents each day, while their children (many adult) were engaged in activities with friends and helpers. Through an interpreter they kept asking their
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 5 April 1931
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 5 April 1931
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 5 APRIL 1931 We see ourselves on trial with Jesus. He could walk into the jaws of death to do His blessed work for others. He could dare to speak out against wrong and take the consequences. He could receive floggings, could allow men to spit in His face, could endure
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 149:4