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Love that breaks the heart of God
Love that breaks the heart of God
by Andrew Pratt
Love that breaks the heart of God, love of Israel, you or me, love that taught a child to walk, has the power to set us free. Loving kindness now ignored, people turn their backs on grace, turn away from faith and hope, fear to see God's loving face. Verse 2 follows Tune: ABERYST
Not in some future span of time
Not in some future span of time
by Andrew Pratt
Not in some future span of time, but every moment that we live, is when to trust the grace of God, to offer love and to forgive. Now is the hour to realise the height and depth, the breadth and length of love in which our lives are held, God's everlasting grace and strength. Vers
Mark for Everyone - The Most Important Commandment
Mark for Everyone - The Most Important Commandment
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 12.28–34 The Most Important Commandment... ...If the house is on fire, what will you grab as you escape? Your children, of course, if they can’t walk themselves. Your wallet. Your computer. Your passport and personal documents. A precious photograph. The wr
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger?
by Andrew Pratt
Poem: Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? Luke 2: 41-52 Oh why are we searching from cradle to manger? From Christmas to Easter God comes as a stranger. From Bethlehem's stable, a child in a temple, two people in exile, a man with a temper, Beyond all the tinsel the st
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 24 Food Offered to Idols
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 24 Food Offered to Idols
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Food Offered to Idols Freedom and Responsibility (A Final Word) The text of Paul’s final homily in this third essay is displayed in figure 3.6(1). Paul opened this essay with a discussion of food offered to idols, and following the pattern he established in the first two essays,
Echoing the Word - Preparation and penitence
Echoing the Word - Preparation and penitence
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
1 Preparation and penitence The liturgy begins with a greeting between the president and the people; in this greeting the community is gathered and bound together, and relationships are formed and acknowledged. The president may invoke the persons of the Trinity, proclaiming the
Imagining the Lectionary: The utter incongruity of faith devoid of practical compassion (Proper 25A; Ordinary 30A)
Imagining the Lectionary: The utter incongruity of faith devoid of practical compassion (Proper 25A; Ordinary 30A)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: The utter incongruity of faith devoid of practical compassion (Proper 25A; Ordinary 30A) Reflection accompanying images “Autumn leaves in abandoned steel sink” A pile of autumn leaves in the bottom of a kitchen sink is a profoundly incongruous and unex
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Fourth Sunday Before Advent Deuteronomy 6.1-9 Hebrews 9.11-14 Mark 12. 28-34 Person A: Do I love God? Well, why should I? What’s God ever done for me? I’ve worked hard all my life and nobody’s ever given me a thing. There are people out there born with everything they’ll ever
Hymn: Love as we, ourselves, know loving
Hymn: Love as we, ourselves, know loving
by Andrew Pratt
Love as we, ourselves, know loving, in this way we will be blessed; get this right and all will follow: such a very simple test. And this test is in the action, not in claims of faith or creed, but in ways we serve each other, meeting one another's need. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: C
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Thursday Year B
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B - Easter Thursday Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lent for Everyone Mark Year B EASTER THURSDAY... ...As the Nazi party was increasing its power in pre-war Germany, the great theologian Karl Barth, still at that stage teaching in Bonn, came into contact one day with one of the party officials. The policies that had made the Nazi
When nations are healed and all warfare is banished