The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year B
Taken from Lectionary Reflections - Year B
The Fourth Sunday Before Advent
Deuteronomy 6.1-9
Hebrews 9.11-14
Mark 12. 28-34
Person A:
Do I love God? Well, why should I? What’s God ever done for me? I’ve worked hard all my life and nobody’s ever given me a thing. There are people out there born with everything they’ll ever need – they can love God if they like. They can sing songs to God as though he was their boyfriend, and weep with joy at how good it makes them feel. God’s for people who don’t need to fight and cheat just to stay alive. Is it right that some people never have to do a hand’s turn and are surrounded by people who love and admire them, while some of us can barely keep ourselves alive by working twenty-four hours a day, and everybody despises us? The law’s there, like God, to protect the people who have...
Taken from Lectionary Reflections – Year B by Jane Williams