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Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - A Question of Power
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - A Question of Power
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Question of Power Psalm 110 My wife keeps going on about power. I don’t take it personally. Actually, it works in my favor, because her fixation lies with the way contemporary Western thinking is preoccupied by questions about who has power and about how power features in the r
Psalms for Everyone - A Challenge to the Principalities and Powers
Psalms for Everyone - A Challenge to the Principalities and Powers
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Challenge to the Principalities and Powers Psalm 58 A New Year event called the Rose Parade passes our house, and this year the organizers were in a state of panic about possible demonstrations designed to disturb it and make waves on TV. Here as in European cities and a number
Psalms for Everyone - The Lowly Will Inherit the Land
Psalms for Everyone - The Lowly Will Inherit the Land
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Lowly Will Inherit the Earth Psalm 37: 1-20 The day before yesterday, in a demonstration that turned violent, the police station a quarter of a mile from where I lived as a child in Birmingham, England, and a quarter of a mile from my church there, was set on fire. One has a
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
First Lesson (Mark 8: 22- 9: 50) The two-stage healing of the blind man from Bethsaida serves both as the conclusion to the journeys back and forth across the sea in chapters 4–8 and as the introduction to the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem in chapters 8–10. Physical sight has
The Women's Bible Commentary - Proverbs
The Women's Bible Commentary - Proverbs
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Proverbs Many of the themes addressed in 10:1– 15:33 continue, but antithetical proverbs are now mixed with a greater diversity of wisdom genres, including synonymous and synthetic proverbs, “better than” proverbs (e.g., 16:8, 32; 17:1), rhetorical questions (e.g., 17:16; 18:14),
15 results