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The Open Gate - Dedication
The Open Gate - Dedication
by SPCK - David Adam
Dedication Not only is God forever giving us gifts, He is giving us Himself. In fact it is because He gives us Himself, that His gifts are available to us. God is present in our lives and the more we open ourselves to Him, the more His gifts are able to flow into us and through u…
The Open Gate - Confession - Prayers 1&2
The Open Gate - Confession - Prayers 1&2
by SPCK - David Adam
Confession We come to you, Lord, for you alone can heal and restore us. We are not able to heal ourselves, We are not able to forgive ourselves, We are not able to restore ourselves, We are not able to sanctify ourselves, We are not able to satisfy ourselves...
Prayers for Christmas Day - Year A
Prayers for Christmas Day - Year A
by John Birch
Prayers of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving for Christmas Day ADORATION From the very beginning was Your Word which spoke this world into being, Your Word which thunders from the skies, Your Word... CONFESSION You gave your all to the world in the bleakness of that stable. …
Pentecost Reflection
Pentecost Reflection
by Christine Dutton
These reflections were written for Pentecost worship when the congregation worked in small groups on various ways of working with Acts 2. These were used with a group working with meditative prayer inspired by the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. Pentecost Reflection T…
Prayers for Palm Sunday
Prayers for Palm Sunday
by John Birch
Prayers of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving for Palm Sunday ADORATION Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! The cry goes up from earth to sky, and angelic voices carry the song. Continues... CONFESSION When pride and selfishness obscure my vision, and voices of this world confus…
Candles and Flowers
Candles and Flowers
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Three Harvest Prayers #2
Three Harvest Prayers #2
by John Birch
Prayers of adoration, thanksgiving and confession suitable for Harvest celebrations Three Harvest Prayers #2 God of Summer sun, fruitful fields, food to eat, you are worthy of our praise! God of mountain stream, rolling hills, pleasant views, you are worthy of our praise! Continu…
intercessory prayer:Prayer Dough
intercessory prayer:Prayer Dough
by Jonathan Miller
This is an intercessory prayer I wrote for an all age service but could be used anywhere, in fact it would work well in a nursing home as well because of the tactile sensation of the dough. You can either make your own dough or use store bought play dough but make sure it smells …
Prayers for First Sunday after Christmas
Prayers for First Sunday after Christmas
by John Birch
First Sunday after Christmas (Years A, B and C) OPENING WORDS A lot has happened in the last week. Some of us have spent time travelling, maybe to the places that we grew up in to visit family and old friends. Gifts and greetings have been exchanged, carols have been sung to remi…
Spirit - A Liturgy