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A morning prayer of praise
A morning prayer of praise
by Christopher Collins
A prayer of adoration and praise for a morning service or morning prayer. A morning prayer of praise Let us pray, Sunlight shatters night Action breaks out day stretches forth possibilities, fears, dangers and joys wait to meet us. Let us savour a moment immersed in peace, myster
Advent Candle Lighting Readings
Advent Candle Lighting Readings
by Andrew Pratt
Advent Candle Lighting Readings First Sunday in Advent - Hope Reader 1: Where is Jesus? Reader 2: Look! is that the Christ? He struggles upward with a heavy load. His hope was dashed so long ago. It was dark there, and so long ago. His hope was dashed. Reader 1: But he has seen a
Traces of Glory Year B - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Year B