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Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Jesus' Death Reveals God's Covenant Justice
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - Jesus' Death Reveals God's Covenant Justice
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Unveiling of God’s Covenant Justice ROMANS 3.21-24 Sometimes – and today, as it happens, is one of those times – my desk, and the other tables in the room, are piled so high with papers that I know I will never get them in order by just picking one or two of them up now and t
John for Everyone part 2 - The King of the Jews
John for Everyone part 2 - The King of the Jews
by SPCK - N T Wright
The King of the Jews John 19.16b-24 There was a shocking photograph in the newspaper the other day. A cart was being driven through the streets of a city in the Far East. On the cart were standing fifteen or twenty men. Round the neck of each, hanging from a string, was a notice.
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Temple and the Fig-Tree
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Temple and the Fig-Tree
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Temple and the Fig-Tree Matthew 21.12-22 Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to give his country a new lease of life. He decided to capture a city that none of his people had lived in before, and make it his capital, so that no one would feel either proud that their
Hebrews for Everyone - Tho Old Tebernacle Points Forward to the New
Hebrews for Everyone - Tho Old Tebernacle Points Forward to the New
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Old Tabernacle Points Forward to the New Hebrews 9.1-10 The taxi driver was resigned to things being this way for a long time. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘we’ve just got to put up with it. Boston will be a great city if they ever get it finished.’ We were stuck in what seemed like an im
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus Prays for His People
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus Prays for His People
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Prays for His People John 17.9-19 In the newspapers recently a mother was punished by the courts. She had left her two young children entirely by themselves, while she went off for a foreign holiday with her new boyfriend. (The father, it seems, was nowhere to be found.) It
John for Everyone part 2 - Pilate and the Judaeans
John for Everyone part 2 - Pilate and the Judaeans
by SPCK - N T Wright
Pilate and the Judaeans John 18.28-32 I watched today as the television interviewer fired questions at a man whose main aim seemed to be to answer them all at great length without saying anything at all. On and on the interviewer went, trying angle after angle; but the man stood
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Healing of the Leper and the Centurion's Servant
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Healing of the Leper and the Centurion's Servant
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Healing of the Leper and the Centurion’s Servant Matthew 8.1-13 ‘Who’s in charge here?’ The policeman suddenly appeared in the doorway. Everyone stood still. It had been a wonderful party up to that point; a bit riotous, perhaps, but great fun. Now, we guessed, one of the nei
Hebrews for Everyone - The Sacrifice of the Messiah
Hebrews for Everyone - The Sacrifice of the Messiah
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Sacrifice of the Messiah Hebrews 9.11-14 The first time we moved house we could hardly believe our luck. We went from a basement flat to a house above ground. The flat had been damp, even to the point of growing fungus on the walls; the house was warm and snug. We had had no
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary
Hebrews for Everyone - The Messiah's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Messiah’s Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary Hebrews 9.23-28 ‘It was such a great day,’ she said. ‘I’d really like to do it all over again!’ We were looking at the photographs two weeks after the wedding. All their friends and relatives had been there. The sun had shone. The musi
by SPCK-Steve Moyise
4 Hebrews and Scripture The Letter to the Hebrews contains around 37 explicit quotations, drawn mainly from the Psalms (16) and the Pentateuch (13), with comparatively few from the Prophets (6). In the light of the rest of the New Testament, it is surprising that there is only on
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The party and the parties - 8