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prayer/meditation on John 1: 10-18
prayer/meditation on John 1: 10-18
by Marjorie Dobson
Second Sunday after Christmas year A John 1: 10-18 Prayer/Meditation on John 1: 10-18 Dear God, when we look back and realise how few people recognised you when you came to be with us, we are amazed at the ignorance and lack of perception of all the others. But hindsight is such
Poem: Respect
Poem: Respect
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Respect Trusting in wealth offers great potential – especially for losing it all and having the foundations of life shaken and shattered. Destroying others for the sake of self-promotion, or to wipe out the opposition offers promise – especially that of perpetual hostility
Monologue: The Listener
Monologue: The Listener
by Marjorie Dobson
Monologue: The Listener They think I’m a nobody. Only a servant girl. Always in the background, waiting on them, but never really noticed. Just like a piece of furniture. But they don’t realize how much I see and know and, as long as I keep quiet and do my job, they don’t really
Poem: Mirrored
Poem: Mirrored
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Mirrored In the mirror, reflected, see that face you know, or think you know. Study carefully. Mark each line, laughter or wrinkle-grown. Note the colour of eyes, lips and hair. Take into account that the image you see is not the one that others know. You see a reflection o
Prayer: God who listens
Prayer: God who listens
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God who listens God, who listens, even when we think you’re not around to do so, we come to you because we know we can trust you. Even when we are unsure of ourselves and feel far away from you, you are always there, waiting for us to recognize your voice and to ask for y
Old folks
Old folks
by Marjorie Dobson
The Presentation of the Lord / Candlemas Luke 2:22-40 Monologue: Old folks! Have you heard the latest about that batty old Anna? You know - that old woman who thinks she’s a prophetess. Wanders round the Temple all day, praying all over the place. Eighty-four if she’s a day! Don’
Reflection/Meditation: 'What are you doing this afternoon?'
Reflection/Meditation: 'What are you doing this afternoon?'
by Andrew Pratt
Reflection/Meditation: 'What are you doing this afternoon?' 'What are you doing this afternoon?' I'd been referred to an ophthalmologist. He thought I might lose my sight. There was a possibility of chronic glaucoma. This was 11 o'clock. By 3 that afternoon I'd had laser treatmen
Reflection/meditation: Every parent
Reflection/meditation: Every parent
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: Every parent Every parent recognizes the surprise of finding out that their child has grown into an individual person with a mind, will and personality that may bear no resemblance whatsoever to the parents that created the baby they cherished and nurtured.
Poem: The Word became
Poem: The Word became
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The Word became … Words leap to life and characters spring from the page, when imagination flares and recognition begins and connections are made with our personal reality. As does the original Word clothed in a baby’s flesh,... Continues ©Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall Standing on high moral ground is not necessarily an achievement; more like providing a target to be knocked over by personal self-righteous pomposity. Time after time, those who have claimed to be above God’s law, or to have no recognition of its e
Now who would have thought that a small crying baby
Now who would have thought that a small crying baby
by Marjorie Dobson
Now who would have thought that a small crying baby, wrapped in a cloth in a cold cattle stall, could ever encapsulate God’s grace and mercy; lay down his life for the sake of us all? Then who would have guessed that a young man from Naz’reth, fresh from his work at the carpenter
Hymn: The crumbs that spoke of broken bread
Hymn: The crumbs that spoke of broken bread
by Andrew Pratt
The crumbs that spoke of broken bread, remembered words that had been said, the scattered fragments of a meal had left them thinking, 'was this real'. His flesh was torn, yes crucified, it left them wond'ring, had he lied, yet in another upper room, he'd share again beyond that t
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 6 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 6 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 6 2 Samuel 11.26—12.10, 13–15 Galatians 2.15–21 Luke 7.36—8.3 Nathan the prophet is a good story-teller and a brave man. Though he obviously knows the character of his king well enough to guess David’s reaction to his story, yet this is, after all, the king he is talking t
A baby had been promised