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Parable of the Talents with signing
Parable of the Talents with signing
by Hand to Mouth Ministries
An amazing resource for use in schools( key stage 1 & 2) and churches. This quality product by "Hand to Mouth" puppets brings the Bible parable to life in a new and exciting way. Based on Matthew 25: 14-30 and Luje 19: 11-27 Lectionary: Ordinary 33 A
Monologue: Tower of Babel
Monologue: Tower of Babel
by Andrew Pratt
Monologue: Tower of Babel It was only when I met the barrel of bricks coming down and that hod carrier shouted at me and I didn't understand him that it all began to fall out of place... But wait a minute. None of that will make sense to you. Anyway, it took place some fifty year…
10 results