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The Act of Prayer Year C - Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Fifth Sunday of Lent Year C Opening prayer In our fellowship together, our singing and our prayer, we hear your voice whisper into our lives, ‘See, I am doing a new thing!’ God of new beginnings, grant us a new heart for worship, a new heart for your people, a new love for our ne…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6c Characterizational Emphases
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 6c Characterizational Emphases
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Characterizational Emphases The Fourth Evangelist lays emphasis on the heavenly character of Jesus. Jesus has come from heaven and will return to it (e.g., 3:13, 31; 6:33). He is “from above”; he is “not of this world” (8:23). Jesus comes across as a more detached and other-world…
the historical character of Jesus - 2d The story of Jesus in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2d The story of Jesus in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
The story of Jesus in Acts But does Acts have anything more explicit about Jesus himself? If Acts disavows the need to root the Church’s practice and self-understanding in explicit appeal to Jesus’ teaching, are there other ways in which Jesus is remembered in its retelling of th…
Pentecost - The Valley of Dry Bones - No Text
Pentecost - The Valley of Dry Bones - No Text
by Andy Lindley
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 16 Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 16 Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 16 1 Kings 8.[1,6,10-11]22-30, 41-43 Ephesians 6.10-20 John 6.56-69 Jesus returns, at the end of the long ‘bread of life’ discourse, to the central thrust. Don’t look for more loaves and fishes; look for the different dimension of life which the Son of Man offers, the dime…
Letters to London - 13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it!
Letters to London - 13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it!
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
13 “Your faith today is a beginning, not a conclusion”-don’t shout about faith, just live it! Ernst’s confirmation in the Lutheran Church provided the original context for these letters and there are interesting questions about this important religious rite…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - Table manners and table matters - 15
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - Table manners and table matters - 15
by SPCK - Tom Wright
15 Table manners and table matters THE THANK-YOU PARTY There is much more that could be said. This little book is only a short introduction to a huge subject. But I want, in concluding, to look at six obvious questions…
Echoing the Word - The shape of the Eucharistic Prayer
Echoing the Word - The shape of the Eucharistic Prayer
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
5 The shape of the Eucharistic Prayer Clearly the most significant texts within the Eucharist are the Eucharistic Prayers themselves. Until 1980 each eucharistic rite had only one Eucharistic Prayer; there was no element of choice. But from 1980 there was choice. In Rite A of ASB…
Transforming Preaching - Learning through reflection
Transforming Preaching - Learning through reflection
by SPCK - David Heywood
2 The sermon as a learning event Preaching for learning If our ministry of preaching is to be effective we need to do at least two things: to understand the role of sermons in the context of the learning that is already taking place in our congregations through reflection; and to…
GOD's rich Pattern - A painful parting
GOD's rich Pattern - A painful parting
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
A painful parting Ralph’s deterioration, both mentally and physically, took a huge downturn. He was constantly falling, finding himself in a totally agitated state, unable to stand. After two falls in the middle of the night, which my carer and I had to cope with, it was time to …
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 1 March 1930
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 1 March 1930
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 1 MARCH 1930 The sense of being led by an unseen hand which takes mine while another hand reaches ahead and prepares the way, grows upon me daily. I do not need to strain at all to find opportunity. It plies in upon me as the waves roll over the beach, and yet there i…
Imagining the Lectionary: faith-sharing - its as natural as breathing (Easter 2A)