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Ascension Day
Ascension Day
by liane Kensett
A short video that highlights the mystery of Easter. The lighting of the Christ candle represents that God raised Jesus. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Jesus is alive. Extinguishing the candle signifies the darkness of Christ's death and the mystery of Easter as Jesus goes awa
God's full and perfect justice
God's full and perfect justice
by Andrew T Murphy
This is a big hymn which asks for a big theory of atonement. 'How does God deal with sin?' This is a question that demands a fuller answer than simply "And on the cross as Jesus died the wrath of God was satisfied". Jesus simply 'taking my punishment' does little to make sense
Hymn: Necessary separation
Hymn: Necessary separation
by Andrew Pratt
Necessary separation, Jesus’ parting frees the saints, now their calling is to action, living love without constraints. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ANIMAE HOMINUN; ALL FOR JESUS Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/4/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.sta
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Christ the King Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Christ the King Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Christ the King Daniel 7.9-10, 13-14 Revelation 1.4b-8 John 18.33b-37 The ‘Feast of Christ the King’ was invented by Pius XI in 1925. Only in 1970 was it moved from October to the last Sunday before Advent. It slid into Anglicanism very recently, introducing three muddles. First,
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
by SPCK - N T Wright
Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension A word, in conclusion, about the immediate sequel. I have written extensively about the resurrection elsewhere (The Resurrection of the Son of God, Surprised by Hope) and a fair amount about the Ascension too (in addition to the above, s
How God Became King - 11c A Different Way of Reading the Creed
How God Became King - 11c A Different Way of Reading the Creed
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Different Way of Reading the Creed So what’s the alternative? What ideas might we ‘festoon’ around this magnificent document, doing justice to the fact that those who framed it undoubtedly intended it to illuminate and to be illuminated by the scriptural witness, rather than cl
the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
“The witnessed one”: Jesus in Acts Whatever one’s reason for so doing, the task of engaging with the book of Acts is fraught with interpretative questions. The discourse has two distinct textual traditions – the so-called Western and Alexandrian versions, with not insignificant v
Prayers for all Occasions - Kindle
Prayers for all Occasions - Kindle
by SPCK - Ian Black
This wonderful collection of 140 original prayers – published here for the first time – is suitable for anyone who leads public prayers, or is looking for a resource to enrich private devotions. Covering a wide variety of subjects, the prayers are grouped under broad headings:
Prayers for all Occasions - ipad/iphone/itouch - Sony